Minggu, 20 November 2011

Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40-What Your Doctor May Not Be Telling You About Weight Loss

If you are like most women who are need to follow effective weight loss tips for women over 40, there are probably a couple of areas you are overlooking. I’m referring to not getting enough fruits and vegetable in your daily diet in order to have the best health and being careful to not be too sedentary.

Researchers tell us we need 13 servings a day of fruit and vegetables since they assist in lowering serious diseases like cancer and heart disease.  Sometimes, doctors do not share this information perhaps due to a simple lack of training, office visits being quite hurried, etc.  Here are the top issues some doctors may not discuss or be aware of:

1.       The connection between weight and waist size. Obesity, as everyone knows puts anyone at high risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, as well as host of other medical problems. Sometimes, some doctors may not be paying attention to what researchers are finding. For instance, in a recent study of over 12,835 obese or overweight patients, 58% said they never talked to their doctor about their weight.  This is quite sad because it has been found that when doctors and patients do discuss obesity, the patient many times will become committed to losing the fat and weight.

One of the best precautionary measures you can follow to monitor your weight and fat is to determine your own body mass index.  A BMI of 18.5-24.9 is ideal if you are 65 or younger and a BMI of 22-27 is ideal if you are 66 or older.

In addition, keep track of your waist size. If you have more than a 35 inch waist as a woman or 40 inch waist if you are a man, this means you have too much abdominal fat. This in turn increases the likelihood of your developing heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

2.       Limit television. Most doctors to recommend to their patient that they exercise if they are overweight, but few recommend decreased time spent watching TV. If you are someone who watches more than two hours of TV a day, you have a higher risk of developing things like obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. Ideally, you should not be watching more than 2 hours of TV a day.

It is interesting to note that also those who live a very sedentary lifestyle (e.g. lots of time at desk or computer) are at higher risk for developing these diseases as well. The bottom line is being as active as possible.
If you are seeking effective weight loss tips for women over 40, ideally one of the best things you can do is become educated. Learn the questions you need to ask. If you do this, you and your doctor can work closely together to help you achieve your weight and fat loss goals.

Train Hard! You Can Achieve Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

P.S. Click here to Transform Your Body Forever in 45 Days Flat! http://tinyurl.com/ykt8gjq

P.S.S. What will you look like in 90 days? You can lose weight once and keep it off forever! Join us at the Shrink Team Challenge!  To join the challenge, visit http://www.moniquehawkins.shrinkteamchallenge.com/

Rabu, 16 November 2011

A Daily Serving of Walnuts Cuts Breast Cancer Risk

Researchers from MarshallUniversity in West Virginia report in the journalNutrition and Cancer that smallamounts of walnuts eaten daily can significantly lower the risk of breastcancer in women. Walnuts are a naturally great tasting source of healthyOmega-3 fats, minerals, vitamins and protein that have long been associatedwith good health.

Interestingly, it is not only thepotent dose of Omega-3 fats that are responsible for the risk reduction, but asynergistic effect between multiple nutrients provided by the nut. Scientistsnow confirm that eating two ounces of this super food each day cansignificantly lower your risk of developing this insidious killer disease.

Regular Walnut Consumption Slows Breast Cancer Tumor Progression
The study was conducted usingmice that are genetically predisposed to develop breastcancer tumors.  Lead researcher, Dr.Elaine Hardman set out to determine the effect of a typical diet and awalnut-enhanced diet through an entire lifespan. Scientists examined dietarynutrition supplied by the mother through conception and weaning and then byeating walnuts directly. Mice are frequently used for this type of researchbecause they follow similar patterns of breast cancer carcinogenesis whencompared to humans.

Dr. Hardman found that the groupwhose diet included walnuts from conception to late life developed breastcancer at less than half the rate of the group consuming a typical diet. Inaddition, the number of tumors and their sizes were significantly smaller. Ofthe results, she commented“These reductions are particularlyimportant when you consider that the mice were genetically programmed todevelop cancer at a high rate... we were able to reduce the risk for cancereven in the presence of a preexisting genetic mutation.”

Walnuts Provide a Perfect Blend of Essential Nutrients
Researchers noted that they wereunable to determine if the cancer prevention benefits were the result ofdeletions or additions to the diet. Adding healthy Omega fats from walnutsdisplaced unhealthy fats and balanced Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratios to lowersystemic inflammation and oxidized LDL cholesterol levels that result in cancerdevelopment. Other studies including walnuts have shown that there are multiplehealth benefits achieved from the unique blend of fats, vitamins (especiallyvitamin E) and minerals in the flavorful nut.

The result of this studycontinues to add to the wealth of scientific evidence that natural nutrientsprovided by an array of `super foods` significantly contribute to our health.Dr. Hardman concluded“Food is important medicine in our diet…the results of this study indicate that increased consumption of walnuts couldbe part of a healthy diet and reduce risk for cancer in future generations.”It`s easy to add two ounces of walnuts (about 14 halves) to your daily diet toprevent breast cancer and a host of other chronic diseases.

Senin, 14 November 2011

Milk Thistle Protects the Liver, Heart and Brain

The liver is one of the mostcritical organs essential to human health. It serves more than 300 functions inthe body to detoxify against chemical and environmental intrusions, andpromotes metabolic function as well. Silymarin is commonly known as milkthistle and new science is emerging to validate the healing potential of thispowerful plant.

Publishing in the journalHepatitis Monthly, researchers providesolid evidence that natural milk thistle extracts can halt and even reverse theeffects of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), an affliction affecting asmuch as a third of the adult population. Supplementation with milk thistle willdramatically lower the risks associated with fatty liver disease,atherosclerosis and cognitive dysfunction.

Milk Thistle is a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Agent
NAFLD is a significant healthconcern that is growing at an unprecedented rate due to the obesity anddiabetes epidemic currently gripping most western societies. The condition iscaused in part by excess accumulation of fats (triglycerides) in the cellularmatrix of the liverthat result in suboptimal function of the organ. Left unchecked, the diseasecan result in cell injury and damage, inflammation and ultimately to cirrhosisas the liver becomes less able to perform the multitude of tasks essential tolife.

Researchers found that the plant extract has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and becomes concentrated in hepatic tissue soon after ingestion. They found that silymarin promotes liver tissue regeneration by supporting multiple critical metabolic functions including lower oxidized LDL cholesterol levels, regulation of membrane permeability and stability and preventing the deposition of collagen fibers, leading to cirrhosis. In addition, milk thistle inhibits the absorption of many toxins, effectively preventing them from entering circulation through the bloodstream.

Silymarin from Milk Thistle Fight Arterial Hardening and Cancer
Silymarin is known to be apowerful cellular antioxidant with specific properties that can prevent excessoxidation of LDL cholesterol. Oxidized LDL cholesterol particles are sticky andbecome lodged in the delicate endothelial layer of coronary artery vessels wherethey combine with other blood-borne compounds to form plaque. Natural milkthistle extracts (570 mg per day) have proven effective to lower risk factors thatpromote arterial hardening.

Milk thistle has been used as achemopreventive agent in the fight against certain cancer lines, most notablymetastatic cancers of the prostate. Silymarininterferes with cancer growth and immortality, and exhibits anti-inflammatoryand anti-metastatic activity (preventscancer spread). Extracts of milk thistle have also been used as an agent in thewar against numerous malignancies including those of the liver, colon and skin.

Our body is continually underassault from a barrage of more than 70,000 chemicals and 900 drugs known toinduce liver damage. Milk thistle supplementation provides an effective tool toprotect and heal our primary filtration organ, the liver. Silymarin is alsoproving to be an important tool that can naturally lower cancer risk, whileproviding critical support for the heart and prostate.

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Weight Loss Plan for Women Over 40: Top 8 Do's and Don'ts to Curb Appetite Naturally

As a woman who is over 40, I am always looking out for a weight loss plan for women over 40 that I can easily fit into my lifestyle.

I was recently reading an article from the "Weight Loss Wonders from the Greatest Women Doctors" from Bottom Line Health. The article was about proven and not so proven natural ways to curb appetite. It was written by Jane Guiltinan ND, a clinical professor at the Bastyer Centor for Natural Health in Seattle. I found it very helpful and thought I'd share it with you so you can lose your excess fat and weight for good!
As you know, there are many marketers who claim that certain supplements can depress appetite. Dr.Guiltinan advises what works and what doesn't with these 8 tips.
Tip #1: Never take ephedra (or ma huang). While this stimulant will depress appetite, the side effects go from dangerous to deadly. They include increased heart rate, nervousness, and agitation. To make matters worse, some people who have taken moderate to large doses have died. The FDA banned this supplement in the US back in 2004. However, some people still market it illegally. Never take this supplement to lose weight. The risks are too great.
Tip #2: Ignore claims that garcinia cambogia works. This is a fruit from India which has in it something called hydroxycitrate. In some studies, rats who were given this did eat less and lose weight. However, no evidence suggests this works well with humans too.
Tip #3: Hoodia is a money waster. Hoodia is found in African and supposedly tricks your body into thinking it is full. While its not a stimulant and therefore is safe, no long term studies on humans reveal it to be an effective weight loss aid.
Tip #4: Drink lots of water. This is an easy component of a weight loss plan for women over 40 to follow! If you ever are feeling hungry, many times it is because you actually are thirsty. So instead of eating when you feel hungry, drink water.
Tip $5: Drink hot tea or coffee. Hot beverages can curb hunger pangs more effectively than cold beverages. In addition, caffeine is a stimulant and therefore has a mild appetite suppressing effect. I'm not a coffee drinker, but for those who like coffee, it can be a helpful aid in your weight loss efforts.

Tip $6: Eat the foods that fill you up. These foods include high-fiber, low calorie carrots, broccoli, salad greens, apples, and brown rice.
Tip #7: Eat more frequently. It's best to eat about 5-6 small meals a day. Work on going no more than three hours without a meal or a healthy snack. If you fail to do this, you can end up so hungry that when you do eat, you will eat too many calories and go for the empty calories found in junk food.
Tip #8: Block sugar cravings. You can do this by supplementing with 100 micrograms twice per day of the mineral chromium. It may lessen your sugar cravings by stabilizing blood sugar levels. You can also consider taking the herb gymnema sylvestre, which temporarily blocks the taste receptors on the tongue and also stabilizes blood sugar levels. You would need to speak to someone knowledgeable about herbs/supplements to determine the right dosage.
So, if you are a woman over 40, as myself, who is trying to find a simple weight loss plan for women over 40, these are easy actions you take to achieve your weight and fat loss goals. Why not try out at least a few of these tips today?!

Train Hard! You Can Achieve Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

P.S. Click here to Transform Your Body Forever in 45 Days Flat! http://tinyurl.com/ykt8gjq

P.S.S. What will you look like in 90 days? You can lose weight once and keep it off forever! Join us at the Shrink Team Challenge!  To join the challenge, visit http://www.moniquehawkins.shrinkteamchallenge.com/

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Chocolate and Cocoa Compounds Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

Researchers from the Universityof Cambridge in England have finally published solid evidence to demonstratethe consumption of chocolate is associated with improved heart and vascular health.Writing in the prestigious BMJ(British Medical Journal), Dr.Oscar Franco and his team determined several factors including diet, exercise, bodyweight control and lifestyle changes could help reduce the risk of heartdisease, a condition expected to claim the lives of nearly 24 million peopleworldwide by the year 2030.

The study authors found that theantioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of cocoa from chocolate consumptioncould reduce heart disease risk by one-third and could also reduce the risk ofsudden death from a heart attack and stroke incidence.

Cocoa from Dark Chocolate Improves Cardiac Risk Markers
The study included an analysisof seven detailed research bodies that included more than 114,000 participants.All studies independently pointed to the conclusion that different levels ofchocolate consumption were associated with a substantial reduction in the riskof cardio-metabolic disorders. Researchers found that the flavonoids passed tochocolate from the cocoa bean have a positive impact on health and were foundto regulate insulin sensitivity and maintain blood pressure in the normalrange.

Researchers ranked chocolateconsumption among participants in the seven studies from highest to lowest todetermine the effect of the cocoa flavanols on human health risk factors. Fiveof the seven studies showed that eating the highest amount of chocolate significantlyreduced the number of cardiac events. In particular they found those who atethe most chocolate had a 37% lower risk of having a cardiovascular incidentcompared to those who ate the least.

Chocolate Consumption Lowers Risk of Stroke by Nearly Thirty Percent
When assessing other riskfactors, the study authors found that the highest chocolate consumers had a 29%lower incidence of stroke compared to the lowest chocolate eaters.Interestingly the researchers found that high levels of chocolate consumptionspecifically lowered the risk of a cardiac or stroke event but did not impactheart failure, another very serious form of heartdisease and death. The studies examined did not differentiate between milkand dark chocolate, and included chocolate desserts, biscuits, chocolate barsand drinks. Prior research has indicated maximum benefit from eating dark,bitter chocolate with a high cocoa content.

The authors did provide a word ofcaution regarding excess consumption of chocolate particularly becausecommercially available chocolate is very caloric and eating too much of itcould in itself lead to weight gain, risk of diabetes and heart disease. They concluded, “Based on observational evidence, levels ofchocolate consumption seem to be associated with a substantial reduction in therisk of cardio-metabolic disorders.” Individuals looking to take advantageof the health benefits of chocolate may want to use a cacao bean extract supplement(25 to 50 mg per day) to reap the cardiovascular and stroke risk reductionbenefits.

Carnosine Boosts Antioxidant Reserves to Battle Stress, Improve Cognitive Function

Carnosine is a naturallyoccurring antioxidant and metal-chelating nutrient that is shown to minimizethe damaging effects of stress on cellular function. Research presentedin the PLoS One journal explains thatcarnosine can help to drastically reduce the formation of amyloid beta proteinassociated with the brain tangles seen with Alzheimer’s disease.

Our antioxidant defense system isin a continual state of flux, being tested by external pathogens, metabolicglycation and stress that can determine quality of health and risk for disease.Carnosine is shown to boost and recycle existing antioxidants throughout thebody to provide a natural shield against chronic illness, and may specificallyhalt the progression of deadly diseases that lead to dementia and cognitivedysfunction.

Carnosine Supplementation Improves Cellular Energy Production to PreventDementia
Researchers understand that acrucial marker of Alzheimer’sdementia and cognitive decline is the formation of beta-amyloid protein clumpsthat inhibit the normal electrical and neurotransmitter activity required to functionoptimally and form new memories. Until recently scientists have not fullyunderstood if the tangles were the cause or result of dementia. New evidenceexists to support the theory that amyloid plaques form as a result of adeclining ability to naturally clear the protein tangles. Neuroscientists believethat a failure in the energy producing mitochondria where glucose is convertedto ATP is to blame.

The study included mice that havebeen genetically bred to develop a form of dementia that closely resemblesAlzheimer`s disease in humans. Energy-producing mitochondria are susceptible tothe ravages of free radicals and cellular imbalances in metals like copper,iron, and zinc that cause ultimate failure of the organelles leading to numerouschronic diseases. Supplementing the mice with carnosinewas found to “promote a strong reductionin the hippocampal intraneuronal accumulation of amyloid-beta and completelyrescue Alzheimer`s disease and aging-related mitochondrial dysfunctions.”

Carnosine Helps Prevent Glycation and May Provide a Treatment Optionfor Alzheimer’s Disease
Carnosine is a potent antioxidantshown to dramatically lower mitochondrial damage typically caused by stress andglycation (protein-sugar bonds) leading to cellular dysfunction and disease. Thestudy authors went so far as to conclude“Our data indicate that carnosine can bepart of a combined therapeutic approach for the treatment of AD.” This is apowerful conclusion considering that Big Pharma has no approved cure oreffective treatment for this insidious form of dementia.

Carnosine coupled with othernatural nutrients known to be neuroprotective (grape seed extract, resveratrol,curcumin, DHA) can lower the stress placed on critical brain structures andprovide an effective shield against development and progression of disease.Carnosine is found most commonly in beef, pork, poultry and dairy products.Many health-minded individuals avoid a diet centered around animal-derivedfoods and supplementation (1,000 mg per day) has been found to be an effectiveand bioavailable alternative.

Senin, 07 November 2011

Cinnamon and Tumeric Lower Triglycerides and Insulin Triggered by High Fat Diet

Many spices such as tumeric andcinnamon are powerful antioxidants that continue to gain acceptance as naturalnutrients able to assist human health and prevent chronic disease. Researchersfrom Penn State publishingin The Journal of Nutrition providestrong evidence that these potent spices provide a protective shield to reducethe body`s negative responses to eating high-fat meals.

A diet filled with high-fat foodsthat have been fried or baked with trans fats increases oxidized LDLcholesterol levels and dangerous blood fats known as triglycerides. Tumeric andcinnamon taken before a high fat meal combine to lower triglyceride response byas much as 30%, preventing a cascade of harmful metabolic events that lead toheart disease and diabetes.

Tumeric and Cinnamon Spices Lower Triglycerides and Insulin Levels
Culinary spices have peakedinterest among nutritional scientists in recent years as both turmericand cinnamon exhibit powerful antioxidant properties that may halt dangerousmetabolic imbalances prompted by poor dietary choices. To conduct the study,researchers added 14 grams of a combined turmeric-cinnamon spice blend to a1200 calorie high-fat meal, and compared the results to a control group notreceiving the spice mixture.

Blood samples were taken prior tothe meal and then again at 30 minute intervals for the next three and a halfhours after eating. Participants were tested again one week later, and the twogroups were switched to verify the accuracy of the results. Researchers foundthat blood levels of insulin were reduced by 21% and triglycerides dropped 31%in response to the turmeric-cinnamon mix.

Spices are Potent Antioxidants That Lower Metabolic Damage from PoorDiet
The study authors found that thespices significantly improved two critical metabolic markers that areassociated with increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovasculardisorders. They commented“Adding spices to the meal significantlyincreased the ferric reducing antioxidant power, such that postprandialincreases following the spiced meal were 2-fold greater than after the controlmeal.” They also found that the two spices interact synergistically and theimpact was significantly greater when both spices were administeredconcurrently, compared to individual results.

Most health-conscious adults canbenefit from a wide array of natural spices added to and consumed with manypopular foods, regardless of specific dietary approach. Penn State authors concluded“The incorporation of spices into thediet may help normalize postprandial insulin and TG (triglyceride) and enhanceantioxidant defenses.”  Includeturmeric and cinnamon to your favorite meals, or take a high quality supplementwith meals to maximize your defense against metabolic dysfunction and heartdisease.

Minggu, 06 November 2011

How to Get Lean Quick-10 Sure Fire Tips To Get The Ultimate Lean Look

Have you been wondering how to get lean quick, especially after looking at some lean people? You know, some of the folks on those Beachbody DVD's, some of the guys and gals at your local gym, etc.? Does it seem maybe kind of hard for you to get that way? Maybe you think its too complicated?

In an article by Tom Venuto called, "The Get Ripped Diet 'Cheat Sheet': 10 Simple Steps to Ultimate Leaness", he talked about this. Tom says that:

"Getting a ripped body with extremely low body fat-lean enough that you can see all of your abs-remains not only elusive to most people, it also seems complicated."

The truth is, Tom believes that getting ripped is very simple. Easy? Not on your life! Simple, heck yes! Following are some of the highlights from his article on the 10 steps to ulimate leaness. Be warned though; its not easy to follow this very strict diet for prolonged periods of time. However, if you stick to it for 6,8, or even 12 weeks, you will be amazed at your results!

With all that said, lets dive into these 10 steps:

1. Make sure you get an accurate count of what your caloric needs, use a conservative deficit, and carefully track your caloric intake. If you want to get busy and serious about this and have a timeline, guesswork is out the window! You have to be accurate here. Tom recommends the Katach McArdle or Harris Benedict calorie equations to determine your basal metabolic level and daily calorie maintenace level. 

To help you out, most men need about 2700-2900 calories a day to maintain their weight and women 2000-2100 calories a day. Your calorie deficit would be 15-20% below maintenance or deficit to lose 1 pound a week.

2. Get enough protein. Simply put, a high protein diet is one of the keys to getting ripped. Some recommend 1 gram of protein per body pound. Tom says to get ripped like a bodybuilder or fitness model, go higher like 1.25 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound. For instance, if you are a women who weighs 140 pounds, you would need about 175 to 210 grams of protein a day.

3. Chosse lean sources of complete protein. The good news for vegaterians and vegans, plant based proteins count too. Examples of good lean sources include chicken breast, turkey breast, lean game meats (e.g. venison, bison, etc.), white fish, egg whites and whole egges. Whey protein shakes, soy protein shakes, etc. also can help.

4. How to get lean quick? Better add lots of veggies daily! Get plenty of green vegetables and other fibrous carbs. After you know what protein you will be eating for a meal, choose a fibrous carb or vegetable to go along with it. Examples of fibrous carbs include non-starch vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, green beans, spinach, cauliflower, red/green peppers, onions, mushrooms, kale, collards, etc.  You will not get fat by eating a diet rich in healthy vegetable such as these!

5. Wisely use starchy carbs in small amounts. You don't have to give up these type of carbs because they do help keep your metabolism and training energy at peak levels. Restrict yourself and you will go insane or just totally fall off the diet plan. Examples of starhy carbs include steel cut or old fashioned oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, beans, lentils, black eye peas, etc. It's best to add these carbs to your first meal of the day or to your pre and post workouts meals. 

6. Use the carb cycling method every 4 to 7 days. All this means is one every 4 to 7 days, eat enough calories to where you are at your maintenace level or slightly above. If you are just starting out, once per week is recommended. If you have been working out for a long time, increase your carbs every 4th day.

7. Eat 4-6 small meals a day. This may seem challenging for some, but Tom says virtualy all bodybuilders and physique athletes prefer small, frequent meals with each containing a protein source. While one can lose weight on any number of daily meals, this just seems to work very well for most people.

8. Eat mostly the same thing daily. I know, this sounds very boring! Keep in mind, though, that this isn't something you will do forever, Plus, the truth of the matter is that most physique athletes eat just about the same thing daily. It's easier to prepare the food this way, you will know exactly what you'll need when you shop, and it makes the diet simple.

9. Have a written meal plan. Remember, no guesswork is allowed! In your meal plan creations, include the food name, serving size or weight, calories, protein, carbs, and fat. This also will help alleviate calorie counting every day if you already have written down the nutritional information for your meals. There are also online sources to assist you in this area.

10. Pay attention and document your results. This includes measure results, make the necessary changes along the way, and adjustments as needed. Tom calls this the feedback loop system or "cybernectic system." You have to track and zero in on your ultimate goal: to get ripped and drop all that excess body fat! This means monitoring your weight, body fat, measurements, appearance, how clothes fit. Not like what you see? Then make changes whether it be to your workouts, meal frequencies, what you are eating, etc. The bottom line is that if you stay focused, you will be able to drop those pounds and fat!

Now that you have learned all this, how to get lean quick doesn't seem such a mystery anymore does it?!  Getting the ultimate lean look is simple, but not easy! But, if you follow all 10 steps here, you will be able to lose the weight, fat, and feel great!

Looking for more tips on how to get lean quick and ultra thin? Then click here http://loseweightwithease.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-lose-weight-plan-follow-top-9.html

Train Hard! You Can Achieve Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

P.S. Click here to Transform Your Body Forever in 45 Days Flat? http://tinyurl.com/ykt8gjq

P.S.S. What will you look like in 90 days? You can lose weight once and keep it off forever! Join us at the Shrink Team Challenge!  To join the challenge, visit http://www.moniquehawkins.shrinkteamchallenge.com/

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Red Meat Consumption Doubles Risk of Diabetes

Health-minded adults have beenwary of excessive red meat consumption and most avoid any type of processedmeats due to the highly carcinogenic nitrite content. Additives used to add taste,cure and prolong shelf life of classic foods such as hot dogs, bologna andsausage not only cause cancer but are now shown to more than double the risk ofdeveloping diabetes.

Publishingin the American Journal of ClinicalNutrition, researchers found that a 50 gram daily serving of processed meat(equivalent to one hot dog or two strips of bacon) was associated with doubledrisk of developing diabetes. They also found that protein from other sourcessuch as nuts, seeds and whole grains will have the reverse effect.

Red and Processed Meats Shown to Double Diabetes Risk Factor
Researchersfollowed 37,083 men in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, 79,570 womenin the Nurses’ Health Study, and 87,504 women in the Nurses’ Health Study II.Diet was assessed by validated food-frequency questionnaires, and data wereupdated every four years. Type II diabetes diagnosis was confirmed by avalidated supplementary questionnaire. In addition the study included data froma total cohort of more than 442,000 participants to make this the largest studyto examine the effect of specific food types on diabetes development andprogression.

After all collected data wasanalyzed with adjustments for age, body mass index (BMI), and other lifestyleand dietary risk factors, researchers found that consumption of 100 grams ofunprocessed red meat (about the size of a deck of cards) increased the risk ofdeveloping Type II diabetesby 19%. A diet that included only half that amount of processed meats wasassociated with a 51% increase in diabetes incidence.

Substituting Healthy Proteins from Nuts and Seeds Lowers Diabetes Risk
Most health professionals believethat diabetes risk is linked to increased intake of refined carbohydrates andsugars. While this may be true, it is important to understand that red andprocessed meats play a significant role in development of the metabolicdisorder, likely due to the increased digestive load placed on the pancreas.

Study authors also found thattroubling risk factors can be neutralized or even reversed by substitutinghealthy protein from nuts, seeds, fish and beans for red and processed meats.Senior research author Dr. An Pan foundthat “for an individual who eats onedaily serving of red meat, substituting one serving of nuts per day wasassociated with a 21% lower risk of type 2 diabetes; substituting low-fatdairy, a 17% lower risk; and substituting whole grains, a 23% lower risk.”

Many health-minded individualsalready limit consumption of red and processed meats. The conclusion of thismeta-study drives home the importance of severely restricting red meat andtotally eliminating processed meats in favor of healthy proteins to lowerdiabetes risk factors.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Alpha Lipoic Acid Boosts Cellular Energy and Regenerates Mitochondria Function

Mitochondria are the smallpowerhouse organelles that control the energy output for each of the trillionsof cells that function synergistically within the human body. Every cell housesdozens to hundreds of mitochondria, depending on the particular function andenergy requirement of the component organ. More than 85% of the oxygencontained in every breath is consumed by these tiny energy producers, so it iseasy to understand how low mitochondrial function typically seen with aging canlead to low energy levels and ultimately cellular death.

Cutting edge research published inthe Journal of Nucleic Acids and Metabolism furnishes details to explainthat the naturally occurring antioxidant alpha lipoic acid can significantlyreduce mitochondrial decay and boost energy levels to improve longevity parametersin aging humans.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Reduces Free Radical Stress and Improves Energy Production
Since the early 1970`s scientistshave proposed and validated the `mitochondrialtheory of aging` that demonstrates how a lifetime of accumulated damage tomitochondrial DNA leads to increased free radical stress and lowered cellularenergy production and chronic disease. Researchers examined aging mice thatwere broken into two groups, one supplemented with alpha lipoic acid in theirdrinking water and the other a control group, for a period of 30 days. Bothgroups were tested for metabolic functions relating to glucose metabolism,energy production and antioxidant status.

Authors of the study found thatthe alphalipoic acid supplemented group experienced mitochondrial biogenesis, aprocess that rejuvenates and replaces damaged and aging mitochondria. Priorbodies of research postulated that mitochondrial regeneration and genesis werenot possible and cell death was always the final result of mitochondrialdysfunction. Through a very intricate metabolic process, lipoic acidsupplementation was found to improve body composition, glucose tolerance, andenergy expenditure in the aged mice.

Alpha Lipoic Acid May Aid Weight Management and Improve Insulin Control
Researchers noted this was thefirst time a natural compound was able to effectively revitalize mitochondriain aging cells, and concludedthat alpha lipoic acid supplementation “increaseslean mass loss possibly by suppressing protein synthesis in the skeletal muscleby down-regulating the mTOR signaling pathway. Thus, lipoic acid may be apromising supplement for treatment of obesity and/or insulin resistance inolder patients.”

Subsequently, research conductedby Dr. Bruce Ames found that combining the bioactive `R` isomer of lipoic acidand acetyl-l-carnitine decreases oxidative damage leading to mitochondrialdecay and may help prevent degenerative diseases of aging including cancer,cognitive decline (dementia) and diabetes while restoring the vital energyneeded to live an active lifestyle. Nutrition experts recommend supplementingwith `R` alpha-lipoic acid (100 – 300 mg daily) and acetyl-l-carnitine (1000 mgdaily) to restore energy levels lost to mitochondrial decline.