Many people mistakenly believe that the process of aging is normal and inevitable. Forward thinking researchers now believe the process of aging is a disease process which can be thwarted through dietary calorie restriction. While genetics does play a role in the aging process, we can modify the effects through lifestyle modification and ensure our senior years are healthy, vibrant and disease free.
Processed Foods Lead to Disease
Cutting edge scientists are beginning to believe that the human body has a normal life span of nearly 120 years. Presently life expectancy is around 80 years, with many living their latter years in declining health. By adopting a diet consisting in large part of processed and refined foods and avoiding exercise, we are actually taking years away from our biological potential. Eating foods which have been stripped of nutrition for years and decades causes our cellular metabolism to decline. The body can amazingly compensate for a period of time, but eventually it will take its toll. Further, we live in an environment which continually subjects us to increasing pollutants, electro-magnetic radiation and a host of synthesized chemicals which we absorb from cleaning and beauty products. We rely on pharmaceuticals to keep us healthy, but in most cases these drugs only add to the assault placed on our body.
Calorie Restriction Proven to Extend Life

Monitor Blood Sugar to Avoid Diabetes

By regularly using a simple and inexpensive blood glucose meter, we can monitor and regulate the blood glucose surges after meals. Check your blood sugar readings one and two hours after eating, and ensure that the readings are not over 140 mg/dl and 120 mg/dl respectively. Extensive data indicates that extended blood glucose readings over 140 mg/dl lead to death of the pancreatic beta cells which produce insulin, and once gone they do not regenerate. Eventually this leads to diabetes and dramatically increased risk of heart disease and many cancers.
Elevated Blood Pressure Doubles Risk of Heart Attack

It is possible to avoid many of the common ailments which claim the lives of so many Americans and extend your natural life cycle by following several critical modification tips. Calorie Restriction, Blood Glucose and Blood Pressure Monitoring are key lifestyle tenants which when started early enough, have been proven to maximize the limits of your healthy later years. While we don't know exactly how long the average human life can be extended by using these techniques, we do know that living a disease free existence is a significant benefit.
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