Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) results in nearly 1 million deaths each year and millions more are living with this disease and the limitations which lead to an early demise. Coronary Artery Disease is avoidable and reversible by following a healthy diet and supplementing with targeted nutraceuticals. Amazingly, this information has been understood and implemented with demonstrated results for decades and yet CAD remains the leading cause of death in the US today.
Coronary Artery Disease is Caused by Poor Lifestyle Decisions
Eat a Healthy Diet to Prevent and Reverse Coronary Plaque
Nobel Prize Winning Chemist Discovers Plaque Reversal Cocktail
Dr. Linus Pauling was a chemist and winner of multiple Nobel Prize awards, and is best known for his work with Vitamin C. Pauling furthered his work to include two amino acids which work alongside Vitamin C, and are essential in the fight to prevent and treat CAD. Pauling found that Lysine and Proline, combined with Vitamin C creates a sticky substance which attaches to the foamy plaque deposits, ushering the deadly substance out of the coronary arteries. This combination is known as the Pauling Therapy, and is currently used successfully by many people to eradicate plaque and reduce the incidence of coronary artery disease. Additionally, supplements such as niacin, Vitamin D and green tea extracts have therapeutic effects which cause regression of the plaque that leads to hardened arteries.
Coronary Artery Disease is devastating in terms of disability, loss of productive years and the burden placed on an already failing health system. We understand the root cause of this disease and also the proven natural therapy to prevent, halt and treat this affliction which many consider a death sentence. A proper diet which favors raw vegetables, nuts, seeds and lean proteins instead of the typical highly processed carbohydrate fare consumed my most people will produce life altering results. Further evidence shows that a regimen of specially targeted supplements can compliment a healthy lifestyle, leading to Coronary Artery Disease reversal and a lengthened lifespan. CPDAKFVDVXH8
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