Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which threatens most organs in the body. Excessive blood sugar levels cause disruption and damage to the inner lining of the vessels, resulting in loss of eyesight, kidney failure and cardiovascular disease. Type 2 diabetes is a disease caused by poor diet and lifestyle. Many people are unaware that diabetes does not necessarily need to lead to a life of declining health, and can be effectively prevented when lifestyle modifications are followed at an early age, and treated through an ultra low carbohydrate diet.
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It will be necessary to cut most wheat, corn and oat based foods from the diet, as these are rapidly converted to glucose and immediately raise blood sugar to unacceptable levels. Elimination of all fast, processed and convenience foods and sweets is essential. The best diet includes raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean proteins and healthy fats. Avoid fruit, as the sugars in many varieties will cause sugar levels to skyrocket.
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Diabetes can be controlled using a sensible approach to diet, including a high proportion of calories from raw vegetables, nuts, seeds and lean protein sources. Prevention is the key to averting the many complications which are a part of the disease. Simple dietary changes when young allow the cellular machinery to function optimally, and make more dramatic changes later in life unnecessary. Once diagnosed, diabetes can still be treated through ultra low carbohydrate dietary modification which has been shown to slow and even reverse much of the damaging effects of this disease.
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