Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Get Thin Quick Tips-3 Tips To Get Thin Quickly

We all know that getting thin quickly really doesn't happen overnight. It does take motivation, persistence, and a commitment to lifestyle changes.

That said, there are things you can do to get thin in a reasonable amount of time. Let's look at 3 easy things you can do to drop those unwanted pounds!

Get Thin Quickly - How to Get on the Fast Track to a Great Body!
By Patrick F Walsh

Are you tired of being overweight? Are you looking to get thin, and quickly? If you are reading this article, I am going to assume your answer is yes... and tell you! Getting thin quickly is possible, if you set yourself up for success. It will take some work and dedication, but I bet you could have assumed that. In this article we will discuss what needs to happen to get thin quickly.

A Balanced Diet

A healthy balanced diet is essential to getting thin quickly. Eating fast food, processed foods, and sweets loaded with sugar, is killing our figures and bad for our health. Eliminating the majority of the junk foods we consume is crucial. People with a higher metabolism burn calories much more efficiently than someone with a lower metabolism. A great way to boost your metabolism would be to eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the as opposed to 3 big ones! This will keep a constant flow of nutrients to our systems. Which will in turn speed up the weight loss process.

Making a Point to Get Some Exercise!

Making a point to get some kind of regular exercise routine down is a must, if you want to get thin quickly! For starters, I would recommend striving for 30 minutes of good heart pumping, aerobic exercise, 3 times per week. This will not only help us lose pounds, but make us feel better, and more energetic. In addition, strength training will speed up the weight loss process. Strength training continues to burn fat hours after our actual workout session!

Detoxifying Our Systems!

The detoxification of our systems is one of the most important steps involved in losing weight quickly. To get thin quickly, our bodies must be flushed of the impurities in our systems. Our bodies are exposed to harmful toxins on a daily basis, from the foods we eat, and the air we breathe. When our fat cells are all ballooned up with these dangerous toxins, our bodies do not function properly. We can cleanse our bodies with body wraps, fiber supplements, and by drinking plenty of water.

If you can implement a balanced diet, regular exercise, and detoxification into your lifestyle, results will be seen! If you are looking for a simple approach to target specific areas of our bodies for immediate inch loss, I recommend fat burning body wraps. This is a fairly new product, that has proven results. I've provided a link below if you're interested in checking them out. yo yo yo

For the many inquiries I receive in regards to getting thin quickly, I highly suggest checking out: Burn Body Fat Immediately

Pat Walsh is a highly respected author in the fields of weight loss and nutrition.

Pat Walsh has hundreds of thousands of published article views!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patrick_F_Walsh

I hope you found these get thin quick tips helpful!

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Start 2010 off right. Join Club Shrink It. Discover how you can eat eat cookies, lose weight, and still eat all your favorite foods. For a free tour, visit http:/www.clubshrinkit.com Enter promotional code 699456 or call Monique at 540-858-2855.

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Get Thin Quick Tips-4 Mistakes You Should Not Commit If You Want to Lose Weight!

We all know that it takes diligence and persistence to achieve our weight loss goals. We also know we want to do all we can to avoid any mistakes that might interfere with our weight loss efforts.
So, today's get thin quick tip will be about avoiding 4 deadly mistakes. And don't worry, if you have been making these mistakes, they are easy to fix!

4 Mistakes You Should Not Commit If You Want to Lose Weight! Do These and You'll Never Lose Weight
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Start 2010 off right. Join Club Shrink It. Discover how you can eat eat cookies, lose weight, and still eat all your favorite foods. For a free tour, visit http:/www.clubshrinkit.com Enter promotional code 699456 or call Monique at 540-858-2855.

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

How To Be Thin|How To Be Thin At The Office

Over the last few posts, we have talked about how to be thin while shopping at the mall, at a party, and now how to stay slim at the office.

Let's face it, at the office this time of year, goodies abound. Let's take a look at how we can still shrink and lose weight even at the office!

Eat, Drink, and Still Shrink at the Office: http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/tips/eat-drink-and-still-shrink/?page=3

At the Office

The kitchen is a dumping ground for the goodies your coworkers don't want in their homes. A trip to the coffeemaker has never been so dangerous, with snickerdoodles and lemon bars (both around 140 calories) lurking on every counter. Don't be fooled by your boss's seemingly innocuous slivers of chocolate fudge; the rich bites pack nearly 120 calories per ounce.

Trim Tactics

Ditch your desk. Squeezing in a lunchtime workout helps Christine Plasterer, 32, an editor in Stafford, Virginia, sidestep the sweets. "If I've made the effort to go to the gym, I think twice before making a bad food choice afterward," she says.

Enlist a diet cop. Josephine Geraci, 44, an entrepreneur in Lloyd Neck, New York, sends her friend Victoria a daily e-mail detailing her diet slipups; her pal does the same. "Knowing I'll have to spill the beans makes me reconsider splurging," Josephine explains.

Play the waiting game. Lori MacGregor, 33, a public relations director in Los Angeles, doesn't let herself snag a sugar cookie until 3 or 4 p.m. "If I wait until the afternoon, everything looks picked over and stale -- and way less tempting," she says.

These are great how to be thin and stay slim at the office tips. Easy to follow to which I like. So know, even in the office, you can still eat, drink, and still srhink!

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

How To Be Thin-More How to Be Thin Tips This Holiday Season

In our last post, we learned how to be thin while shopping at the mall this holiday season. Today, we will learn how we can still have trim waists while hitting all those holiday parties with the Christmas cookies and other goodies!

Holiday Party Guide: Eat, Drink, and Still Be Slim


The dreaded holiday buffet spread -- for the average dieter, it's a seasonal sight that's anything but merry. This year, we're going to show you how you can defend your waistline and still enjoy yourself at any party -- from finger foods and cheese plates to drinks and dessert. Happy holidays!

Prevent Party Pig-Out

If they're not in the bathroom line, you know exactly where most women are: Hovering over the buffet table, thinking, I'm famished. This stuff looks scrumptious. Forget the diet. Now, you don't have to be one of them.

You'll bust your seams if you...

Skip meals all day long.
Why? "Arriving at the party hungry will make you reach for the first thing you see (and the second, and the third!) -- whether it's healthy or not," says Elisa Zied, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association and author of Feed Your Family Right!

Instead: "Cut back on refined carbs and fats throughout the day to give yourself some leeway," advises Zied. "And include protein and fiber in every meal to help you feel full." For example, at breakfast have oat bran cereal with skim milk, a low-fat yogurt, and a piece of fruit. At lunch, throw some beans into your salad and swap the oil-based dressing for balsamic vinegar with a little mustard mixed in. Have a healthy snack -- a handful of nuts or air-popped popcorn -- right before the party.

Work out as an excuse to eat more.
Why? "One exercise session is not going to make up for the hundreds of extra calories consumed at a party," says Zied.

Instead: "Add an extra 10 minutes to your workout for a week, if you know you may be overly tempted," recommends Zied. "When you exercise just to compensate for calorie intake, you're setting yourself up to feel bad when you can't work off a high-calorie meal."

Taste a little bit of everything.
Why? "Studies show that eating too many different types of food may turn on your appetite," says Zied.

Instead: "Survey the entire food spread first," says Zied, "then choose a few things that you really want." Count the party grub as one meal -- aim for 500 to 600 calories, including your drink, she adds. Take two small-size plates of food -- one for snacks, the other for appetizers.

This were great party tips on how to be slim and stay slim at parties. In the next post, learn how to be thin at the office!

Have a Merry Christmas!

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

How to Be Thin-Eat, Drink, and Still Shrink This Holiday Season

Well, we are full swing into the holiday season and for some of us, how to be thin and stay thin this time of year can be a challenge!

Here are some quick tips from Fitness Magazine how you can trim your tree AND your waistline this holiday season.

Eat, Drink, and Still Shrink

Trim the tree and your waistline this holiday season with our fixes for every fattening situation.

While Shopping

Last year's six-week food fest started with a holiday potluck. I arrived straight from yoga, hoping downward dogs would steel my willpower. But one look at the mashed potatoes and my sun salutations were long gone. The creamy spuds started an evil domino effect. I'd already splurged, so why not go for quiche instead of crudites -- and a third glass of eggnog? This year I want to celebrate without getting a belly like Santa's, so I asked experts and FITNESS readers for strategies to tackle four of the most tempting diet danger zones. My holidays will be happy and healthy.

At the Mall

Sad but true: The food court is full of diet crimes. One of the worst offenders, a supersized cinnamon roll, can have around 850 calories and 34 grams of fat. Eyeing that chocolate chip cookie? Its calorie count is better (about 280), but it can pack as much fat as two fried-chicken drumsticks. A mall snack less likely to ruin your chances of zipping up your little black dress on New Year's is a plain soft pretzel. At around 340 calories and 5 grams of fat, it's a decent option, but it's no superfood.

Trim Tactics

Get up and go. You'll beat the crowds if you hit the mall as soon as it opens; plus, the aroma of that 400-calorie slice of stuffed pizza is less enticing at 10 a.m. Wendy McMillan, 35, a teacher in Longmont, Colorado, always prepares herself a healthy breakfast before she heads out for a shopping trip. "If I fill up on oatmeal, fresh fruit, and whole-grain toast, I don't even think about food until early afternoon. By that time, I've already left the mall," she says.

Nail it. Can't bear the thought of standing in one more line? Indulge in a calorie-free splurge -- a relaxing spa pedicure instead of a fattening peanut-butter cookie. "It's dangerous to think of sweets as a reward. Once you start to justify eating unhealthy foods, you're setting yourself up to consistently make poor choices," says FITNESS advisory board member Madelyn Fernstrom, PhD, founder and director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Weight Management Center.

Dine in style. Take a break from the hustle and bustle by savoring a real meal in one of the shopping center's restaurants. "You're more likely to find nutritious fare, such as a grilled-chicken or salmon salad with vinaigrette," says Joan Salge Blake, RD, clinical associate professor of nutrition at Boston University. Plus, the setting will be less chaotic than the crowded food court, and research indicates that you tend to eat more slowly and consume fewer calories when you're in a zen dining atmosphere.

I'm liking these how to be thin and stay thin tips for the holiday season. Stay tuned to get your party waist saver tips. You'll not want to miss it!

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

How to Be Thin-What To Look For In A Diet

In your search on how to be thin, you may be one of those people who desperately fail in keeping their own dietary plans. Have you tried to check what to look for in a diet? Maybe not, but I’m here to help you out. You know that there are a lot of well known diets supported by celebrities and well respected nutritionists that can help an individual live a healthier lifestyle.

However, did you also know that not all these are compatible with every body makeup and composition? It is essential to combine the right eating habits as well as a good dietary plan to help a person maintain the most optimum weight for his/her size.

I realized that information related to diets is often very challenging and can contain a lot of difficult tasks so as to reach your ideal physical state. Well, lucky for you I’ve found a few tips that can help you come up with the best possible diet
plan. Check these out:

1. Know What You Must Avoid
Before knowing what to look for, you have to know what you must avoid. Knowing what you must not eat will help you in looking for the best possible plan to aid in giving you the perfect health. Did you know that a lot of people, especially those who have high blood sugar level, need to tone down on cholesterol intake? You may want to keep a close watch on adding food groups that are rich in carbohydrates as you formulate your dietary scheme. As much as possible, keep away from fats. I highly discourage these discourage these as inclusions in dietary plans, and so do other well known nutritionists.

2. The Essence of Small Servings
I know you hate minimal servings of food, but it’s high time you know that this can help you in getting the right diet. The best diet is always the one that serves you the least amount of servings. Of course, that does not necessarily mean you have to eat really small dosage even if you incredibly hungry. It means keeping a well-balanced meal.

If you aim to lose weight, less is always more. How to be thin, once again, eat less, but also eat healthfully. I know it sounds difficult, but think about the benefits at the end of the day. For instance, while eating dinner, you may want to take a pass on second servings. Try to limit your meals to only one serving of food. That way, you will be able to train your body to be contented in eating less.

3. The Hearty Meals
Did you also know that the most effective diet is the one that keeps three meals a day? These diets include breakfast, lunch and dinner. I know this to be the most perfect dietary plan! Breakfast, of all three, is the most important since this is the main source of energy for your everyday activities. If you must know, there are also dietary plans that go as far as to letting you have five meals a day. But remember what I told you, “Having smaller servings and yet more chances to eat will help you keep up with your diet by not feeling hungry all the time.”

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

How to Be Thin-How to Find the RIght Diet

In your search on how to be thin, you may be one of those people who desperately fail in keeping their own dietary plans. Have you tried to check what to look for in a diet? Maybe not, but I’m here to help you out. You know that there are a lot of well known diets supported by celebrities and well respected nutritionists that can help an individual live a healthier lifestyle.

However, did you also know that not all these are compatible with every body makeup and composition? It is essential to combine the right eating habits as well as a good dietary plan to help a person maintain the most optimum weight for his/her size.

I realized that information related to diets is often very challenging and can contain a lot of difficult tasks so as to reach your ideal physical state. Well, lucky for you I’ve found a few tips that can help you come up with the best possible diet
plan. Check these out:

1. Know What You Must Avoid
Before knowing what to look for, you have to know what you must avoid. Knowing what you must not eat will help you in looking for the best possible plan to aid in giving you the perfect health. Did you know that a lot of people, especially those who have high blood sugar level, need to tone down on cholesterol intake? You may want to keep a close watch on adding food groups that are rich in carbohydrates as you formulate your dietary scheme. As much as possible, keep away from fats. I highly discourage these discourage these as inclusions in dietary plans, and so do other well known nutritionists.

2. The Essence of Small Servings
I know you hate minimal servings of food, but it’s high time you know that this can help you in getting the right diet. The best diet is always the one that serves you the least amount of servings. Of course, that does not necessarily mean you have to eat really small dosage even if you incredibly hungry. It means keeping a well-balanced meal.

If you aim to lose weight, less is always more. How to be thin, once again, eat less, but also eat healthfully. I know it sounds difficult, but think about the benefits at the end of the day. For instance, while eating dinner, you may want to take a pass on second servings. Try to limit your meals to only one serving of food. That way, you will be able to train your body to be contented in eating less.

3. The Hearty Meals
Did you also know that the most effective diet is the one that keeps three meals a day? These diets include breakfast, lunch and dinner. I know this to be the most perfect dietary plan! Breakfast, of all three, is the most important since this is the main source of energy for your everyday activities. If you must know, there are also dietary plans that go as far as to letting you have five meals a day. But remember what I told you, “Having smaller servings and yet more chances to eat will help you keep up with your diet by not feeling hungry all the time.”

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

How to Get Thin-The Benefits of Dieting

If you are looking for tips on how to get thin, you already know that dieting is a must. However, dieting doesn't have to be negative. There are many benefits of dieting that will actually help you feel better. And no, dieting doesn't have to miserable and give you no opportunity to eat your favorite foods! Weight loss doesn't have to be stressful and such a chore.

You see, you may be one of those people who have been desperately trying to lose weight their entire lives. Lucky for you, I have found your new best friend in dieting. Did you know that dieting provides a lot of benefits to an individual’s life? It does not only improve one’s outlook on a physical level it also strengthens the mental and emotional state of a person by helping you feel good about what you eat.

I am sure you’ll be thrilled to find out that by having a healthy diet, a person is able to give their bodies the right amount of nutrition and energy needed for everyday. Without observing the proper diet, a lot of people may be subjected to malnutrition and may not be able to perform at their best, regardless of their known capabilities. You don't want to be one of these people. For me to help you out, here are some of the proven benefits of dieting:

1. Prevention of Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of deaths for every year. Are you sure you’re eating the right food to help nourish your heart and blood flow? Problems may arise concerning your health if you do not take my advice. Fruits and vegetables, for instance, reduce the risk of strokeand other diseases in the circulatory system. With the right balance of food groups in your diet, and with the presence of fruits and vegetables, you can expect better results coming from your annual preventive checkups.

2. More Focus and Less Stress
A lot of people battle stress and unconsciousness everyday; I too am a victim of these two. You may well be one of these people. Let us find ways together for you to prevent such emotions. Focus on the things that you eat and find a way to make your diet better. If you are already following a strict diet and you seem not to be able to concentrate on anything at work, due to the feeling weariness and fatigue, do yourself a favor and look into the things that you eat. Making sure that the right balance of all essential vitamins is present in your daily diet will certainly help alleviate stress.

3. Feel Good About Yourself
Everyone wants to feel good about themselves and how they carry themselves in front of other people. Do yourself that favor by eating the right food. Having a well-balanced diet will eventually help you reach your desired weight, making you feel better and more comfortable with your body. Even those with perfect body figures, still maintain their respective diets so as to make sure that they have a balanced physique. Do not let other people solely enjoy what you can also have. Give yourself a break from all those unnecessary meals and focus on eating healthier foods. If people see that you feel good about yourself, it will also be easier for them to hang out with you as they reciprocate that positive glow. I know you can do it. I’ll tell you more about health tips tomorrow, so stick around.

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

How to Get Thin-Weight Loss Basics 101

Sometimes, when one is looking to accomplish a goal, it helps if he/she rights things down on paper. This includes how to get thin goals. There are certain steps you need to take in order for this to happen. This is what need to occur. Follow these step, and you will be well on your way to get think quick.

1. Setting Goals
That’s right. You now have set a vision for yourself on what you want to achieve in every aspect of your being. You know the benefits of goal-setting and what it can do for you. If you haven’t done this yet, take note of all your aspirations and drive yourself to create ways on how to achieve them. I must remind you to make smaller goals so as to help you cross the finish line the soonest possible time. You already know the dangers that plague you in case goals are not set in life.

2. Support Group
It may be your friends, family members or special someone. I’m sure you have lots of supporters out . You must know that it is important to include a lot of people to support you in your endeavors. Having a steady support group will help you get motivated in achieving the goals that you have set in life. Help them help you, and you will surely feel that achieving your goals has never been any easier.

3. Get Active
Incorporating exercises in your daily life will not only help you have added movement to your physical body. I’m just positive that getting you active will optimize your lifestyle in every way possible! It will help you give yourself the time to exercise especially at this time when you have no time to go to the gym. Take the time in going up the stairs or parking far from your building entrance to give you an opportunity to stretch those muscles.

4. Diets

What more can I say about diets? We all know that keeping a well-balanced diet will not only help nourishyour body, but will release that glow within you that you rightfully deserve. As you have learned with me eating the heartiest meals everyday will ensure the right amount of nutrients needed by your bodily systems. I’m sure you remember that dieting is also the main key to losing weight.

5. Supplements
If you don’t have the time to give your body all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins that it needs, then learn some about supplements and how they work. Incorporate it in your daily lives to make you stronger and healthier. T

6. Workout Plans
If you have all the time in the world to do it, work out. It provides you countless benefits, which
should motivate you to start stretching those muscles. Working out will increase cardiovascular strength and will prevent the possibilities of you getting heart-related diseases.

I hope you have enjoyed these simple weight loss tips. Follow then and you will have the knowledge you need on how to get thin.

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

How to Get Thin-The Low Down on Smoothies

Everybody who is looking to lose weight always wants to know how to get thin quickly. Many folks have started drinking smoothies as a method to lose weight and improve their health. And if you do it right, smoothies can help you get thin, but you have to drink the right kind of smoothies. If you drink the wrong kind, you can actually gain weight and be left wondering why. So, here is more information on how to get thin by drinking smoothies.

A smoothie weight loss program is usually made up of a plan that has you replacing your regular meals with low calorie / high nutrition smoothies. You can either replace all your meals with smoothies or you can substitute one or two of your meals each day with smoothies. If you do the second method, you will usually replace breakfast and lunch with a smoothie and then eat a healthy low calorie sensible dinner.

There are many different types of smoothies you can make that will help you lose weight. You can make smoothies that only contain fruit. You can drink smoothies that are a combination of fruits and vegetables. Another way you can make a smoothie is to add protein powder to your mix.

You may have seen a Vita Mix commercial or attended a live presentation at your local store where they blend up a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and give you a sample to taste. You may have been surprised at hose delicious freshly blended fruit and vegetable combinations can be.

People who drink a lot of smoothies that contain fresh fruits and vegetables are supplementing their diet in a marvelous way with loads of nutritious enzymes, vitamins and minerals that their bodies need to stay healthy and fight off disease and illness. Smoothie drinkers often comment that they love that they are enjoying something that tastes so good while also getting the recommended daily allotments of fruits and veggies in their diet. Smoothies just make it so easy to improve your intake of nutritious low calorie healthy foods.

Smoothies are also a great on-the-go meal for our very busy lives. You can easily whip up a smoothie and take it in your car to drink on the way to work. You can also pre-make smoothies to drink for lunch. Just keep them in a cooler or in a thermos and shake them up well just before you drink them.

There is a reason why Jamba Juice has become so popular. Folks are learning just nutritious and delicious smoothies can be. And how easy they facilitate weight loss. Be forewarned though, you can probably make a healthier smoothie at home than what you can get at a Jamba Juice. Quite often smoothie stores will add sugar-sweetened fruit to your smoothies which is not necessary and will just add a lot of extra calories that you do not need or want. If you make your smoothies at home you control the ingredients and ensure that you are not getting added empty calories.

So, if you desire to know how to get thin safely and with ease, start adding smoothies to your diet today!

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com