Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

How To Be Thin|How To Be Thin At The Office

Over the last few posts, we have talked about how to be thin while shopping at the mall, at a party, and now how to stay slim at the office.

Let's face it, at the office this time of year, goodies abound. Let's take a look at how we can still shrink and lose weight even at the office!

Eat, Drink, and Still Shrink at the Office: http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/tips/eat-drink-and-still-shrink/?page=3

At the Office

The kitchen is a dumping ground for the goodies your coworkers don't want in their homes. A trip to the coffeemaker has never been so dangerous, with snickerdoodles and lemon bars (both around 140 calories) lurking on every counter. Don't be fooled by your boss's seemingly innocuous slivers of chocolate fudge; the rich bites pack nearly 120 calories per ounce.

Trim Tactics

Ditch your desk. Squeezing in a lunchtime workout helps Christine Plasterer, 32, an editor in Stafford, Virginia, sidestep the sweets. "If I've made the effort to go to the gym, I think twice before making a bad food choice afterward," she says.

Enlist a diet cop. Josephine Geraci, 44, an entrepreneur in Lloyd Neck, New York, sends her friend Victoria a daily e-mail detailing her diet slipups; her pal does the same. "Knowing I'll have to spill the beans makes me reconsider splurging," Josephine explains.

Play the waiting game. Lori MacGregor, 33, a public relations director in Los Angeles, doesn't let herself snag a sugar cookie until 3 or 4 p.m. "If I wait until the afternoon, everything looks picked over and stale -- and way less tempting," she says.

These are great how to be thin and stay slim at the office tips. Easy to follow to which I like. So know, even in the office, you can still eat, drink, and still srhink!

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Related Links:

Would it be ok if you lost two pounds a week by eating cookies?


Want to get skinny quick? Sign up for my 50 tips to weight loss that won't interfere with your life newsletter at http://www.weightlosswarriorezine.com

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