Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Pterostilbene Slows Cellular Aging and Lowers Risk from Diabetes and Cancer

It’s likely you have never heard of pterostilbene. This natural compound is most commonly found in blueberries and grapes and is a cousin to the well-known anti-aging nutrient, resveratrol. Similar in chemical structure, the two nutrients perform different functions in the blood and at the cellular level to lower the risk from heart disease, diabetes, cancer and the aging process itself.

Pterostilbene is easily able to enter the cellular matrix to prevent the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGE's) that fuel aging and metabolic decline. Both nutrients can be obtained from a well balanced diet, but supplementation may be necessary to optimize a myriad of health benefits.

Pterostilbene is a Powerful Antioxidant that Lowers Diabetes Risk
Known as a stilbenoid, pterostilbene participates in anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory reactions to protect the delicate insulin secreting beta cells in the pancreas. This helps to prevent damaging blood sugar surges that promote metabolic dysfunction and diabetes. In addition, the nutrient works in synergy with resveratrol to lower triglycerides and moderate the small dense LDL cholesterol particles that become trapped in the arterial walls and result in heart-clogging plaque.

Reporting in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, researchers found that pterostilbene was capable of assisting beta cell regranulation that helps regulate the normal secretion of insulin in response to blood sugar fluctuations. Scientists demonstrated that the compound neutralized the effect of free radicals that damage beta cells after a meal high in sugar and refined carbohydrates. This capability helped to increase insulin response and reverse the damaging effects of insulin resistance commonly seen in diabetics.

Pterostilbene Prevents Deadly Atherosclerotic Plaques
Atherosclerosis is characterized by the abnormal proliferation of cells within the endothelial lining of the coronary arteries that lead to plaque formation. Pterostilbene has been shown to inhibit this deadly process in a study published in the journal Vascular Pharmacology. Researchers found that the compound regulated DNA of the smooth muscles that make up the inner lining of the arteries so plaque was less likely to accumulate. The study authors concluded “pterostilbene may be a potential anti-proliferative agent for the treatment of atherosclerosis.”

Pterostilbene Suppresses Cancer Cell Signaling and Development
Pterostilbene is emerging as a powerful ally in the fight against many cancer lines due to its small molecular size that allows the nutrient to easily gain access to cancer cells. Researchers publishing in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that pterostilbene “damages a cancer cell`s membrane and DNA and induces death signals causing self-destruction.” The nutrient has demonstrated the ability to suppress the energy-producing system within the cancer cell to protect against cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, lung and liver.

Pterostilbene functions by affecting multiple cellular mechanisms to enhance human health and lower risk from diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Like its close relative resveratrol, this super nutrient is found in small concentrations in muscadine and red varietal grapes as well as many members of the dark berry family including blueberries and cranberries. Health-minded individuals may want to consider supplementation to obtain the higher research dosage (.125 mg) shown to prevent chronic disease and extend healthy lifespan.

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

How To Lose Weight In One Month- How to Lose 20 Pounds Really, Really Fast

It seems like there are lots of ladies and gentleman out there who are looking for quick strategies on how to lose weight on one month. In fact, the more weight loss one can obtain in a month, the better. Better, yet, wouldn't a 20 pound weight loss in one month be awesome??!!!

Well, while rapid weight loss might seem the best way to go, one has to always ask themself this very important question. Should I be seeking to lose lots of weight OR lose body FAT and get that ripped look??

Hmmmm. Very good question. I'm thankful that Tom Venuto has answered it for us. I was reading a recent article of his called "How To Lose 20 Pounds Really, Really Fast!". And believe me, it wasn't what you think!

Here is brief excerpt from it:

""Weight" is not the same as "fat." Weight includes muscle, bone, internal organs as well as lots and lots of water.

And do you really want to be a "fat loser?"

Wouldn't you rather be a "fat burner"… a lean, fat burning machine!


FAT LOSS is what you want, not weight loss.

If your body were 100% rock-solid muscle, with absolutely nothing that jiggled (unless it was supposed to), would you care how much you weighed?

I bet you wouldn't! And if that's true, then…


Tom talks about more good things in this article which I feel will help you form the right kind of weight loss goals. To read the article in its entirety, visit here:

Enjoy the article! Share your weight loss stories!

Train Hard! You Can Achieve Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

P.S. Some women have just found out how to lose 2 pounds a week and still eat ice cream. To learn more,

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

PQQ from Natural Diet Found to Regenerate Low Energy Levels

Nearly 95% of the energy required to fuel our daily activities is provided by the tiny cellular powerhouse structures known as mitochondria. By the time we reach the age of 70, more than half of these critical energy-producing bodies have become damaged or are dysfunctional.

Researchers now understand that the rate of mitochondrial decay is directly related to our length of life. Information presented in The Journal of Biological Chemistry provides startling evidence that a natural compound called pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) can protect mitochondria from free radical damage and stimulate the growth of fresh mitochondria.

PQQ From Diet Prevents Mitochondrial Decay
PQQ is ubiquitous and exists in virtually every plant species tested. Most natural foods supply the nutrient in varying concentrations, though the human body is not capable of synthesizing the compound. It is therefore considered an essential micronutrient and studies published in The FASEB Journal show that PQQ must be supplied through diet to avoid the energy draining effects of mitochondrial decay. Some experts believe that PQQ may have played a pivotal role in the development of life on Earth.

A diet deficient in PQQ can lead to stunted growth, compromised immunity, impaired reproductive capability and fewer numbers of mitochondria in critical organs including the liver, heart and brain. Foods that have been processed or refined are void of PQQ that leads to lower energy levels and ultimately to chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and dementia.

PQQ works at the cellular and genetic level to provide protection against mitochondrial damage and to promote the synthesis of new mitochondria structures. Organs with a high energy demand are the most vulnerable to loss of functional ability. The heart, brain and liver are among the most metabolically active and critical organs in the human body, and benefit most from the protective nature provided by PQQ.

PQQ Supports Brain Health, Prevents Cognitive Decline
The Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition provides research that highlights the importance of PQQ to the health and proper function of the entire central nervous system. The compound has been shown to reverse the cognitive impairment caused by chronic oxidative stress on delicate neurons, and can improve performance on standardized memory tests. As this stress is believed to be a precursor to the development of Parkinson`s and Alzheimer`s disease, nutritional researchers believe the nutrient may be a key component in the prevention of these devastating conditions.

PQQ has demonstrated efficacy as a cardio-protective agent as it provides a powerful shield against free radicals that damage the heart muscle and mitochondrial DNA after a heart attack. Studies have shown that PQQ is more effective than health-damaging pharmaceuticals typically prescribed after a cardiac event. The compound boosted the energy producing capacity of the organ by protecting against acute oxidative stress.

Many scientific researchers now believe that mitochondrial dysfunction and the loss of cellular energy are linked to the development and progression of virtually all killer diseases of aging. The combination of CoQ10 to maintain mitochondrial function and PQQ to stimulate the development of new mitochondria is a natural way to preserve energy as we age. Experts advise an intake of 20 mg per day of PQQ, the amount available from 8 to 10 servings of fresh vegetables (spinach, green pepper, parsley, tomato) to optimize energy production and lower risk from chronic disease of aging.

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Olive Oil Effectively Lowers Risk of Depression, Avoid Trans Fats

Our diet can have a significant impact on our well being and is shown to influence our mental health and risk of depression. Reporting the results of the SUN Project in the journal PLoS ONE, researchers have linked consumption of synthetic trans fats and saturated fats to an increased risk of suffering the debilitating effects of depression. The same research provides evidence that naturally fresh pressed extra virgin olive oil is protective against this form of mental illness.

Clinical depression is rising at an alarming rate along a similar path with many other chronic illnesses caused by poor diet and lifestyle. Statistics show that 150 million people are depressed worldwide. Medical practitioners are quick to prescribe any of a growing number of designer anti-depressant drugs that have been shown to contribute to long-term mental illness as they erode patient health.

Trans and Processed Saturated Fats Linked with Clinical Depression
The SUN Project followed the dietary and lifestyle habits of more than 12,000 volunteers over the course of six years. None of the participants exhibited signs of depression prior to the beginning of the study and 657 cases were diagnosed by the end. 

Researchers found that those individuals with the highest consumption of trans and saturated fats from fast foods and industrially-produced baked goods had a 48% increased risk of developing depression compared with those that did not consume these fats. The study found a dose-response relationship, meaning the more trans and saturated fats consumed, the greater the harmful effect they produced in the subject volunteers.

The team conducting the study found that polyunsaturated fats from fish and fish oil as well as monounsaturated fats including extra virgin olive oil influenced the occurrence of depression. The director of the SUN Project, Miguel Angel Martinez-Gonzalez commented "we discovered that these types of healthier fats, together with olive oil, are associated with a lower risk of suffering depression."

The study concludes that the incidence of depression is escalating at a much greater rate in the western developed countries of Northern Europe and America due to a diet highly concentrated in processed foods known to be laden with trans and saturated fats. Southern European countries that traditionally follow a Mediterranean-style diet including plenty of fish and olive oil have a much lower occurrence of depression.

Olive Oil and Omega-3 Fats Improve Depression Symptoms
Brain health is dependent on a continual supply of unrefined fats Omega-3 and monounsaturated fats for neural development, communications and signaling. In the absence of these essential fats, inferior sources are employed that lead to premature aging and mental illness. The British Journal of Psychiatry found that EPA, an Omega-3 long-chain fatty acid is an effective intervention in bipolar depression.

Our brain is in a continual state of re-growth and repair. When this process is disturbed by the introduction of synthesized or improperly formed lipid structures (from overheated or fried oils during cooking) neural pathways are damaged and cannot function normally. One of the many consequences is the manifestation of mental disorders including clinical depression. Feed your brain every day with fats in their natural, unrefined form to protect this most critical organ from defect and disease.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

How to Lose Weight Plan - Why to Watch For Misleading Food Labels

Did you know that one of your how to lose weight plan strategies should be to become a food label detective? It's no secret that marketing strategists know just how to manipulate unwary consumers! You're in the grocery and in a hurry, so grabbing packages labeled "low fat," "healthy" or "all natural" seems like an easy way to pick the right foods. Well, think again.

Did you know that most low fat dressings are full of sugar and calories? Or that those boxes of crackers labeled Zero Grams of Trans Fat actually contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, a trans fat? Shopping shouldn't be so hard when you are trying to lose weight. Always keep in mind that advertisers really want to grab unsuspecting dieters and get their money by using keywords on the front of packages that makes the food sound appealing, healthy, and slimming.

A recent study looked at the way dieters make food choices and compared them to how non-dieters pick foods. Rather than analyzing the nutrition labels, dieters looked for key words. Pasta is considered a no-no, even though many healthful dishes can be made with pasta and vegetables. At the same time "salad" is generally considered healthy even though there are salads served in many restaurants and homes that are far from healthy.

Fruit is another keyword considered healthy by many who are watching their calories and hoping to lose that belly fat. A fruit smoothy can have more fat, sugar and calories than an equal sized serving of low-fat iced yogurt or sherbet. Just because something says fruit on the label doesn't always translate to healthy!

If you are trying to lose 10 pounds before summer fashion season, than get savvy about reading food labels in the store, and analyze ingredients in restaurant foods. Look at nutrition labels and study the serving size, calories, fat and sugar content of the food. Ask the waitress what is really in that salad. Is it loaded with ham, salami, fried chicken or worse? Once you become really good at this, just a brief look at a nutrition label or menu will tell you the real story about what is in that food!

Another thing to be wary of are drinks that have no calories. If you are serious about losing weight and being healthy, you might want to reconsider artificial sweeteners. Although there are conflicting studies, some researchers advise that only those who have blood sugar problems should risk consuming artificial sweeteners.

People who are serious about their health and weight loss find satisfaction in gradually switching to unsweetened drinks like home brewed tea or filtered water. If you make your own drinks and carry them with you, you can gradually cut back on the sugar until you are enjoying the refreshing taste of pure water or tea. And, these healthy drinks have absolutely no calories.

The same people tend to create a lot of their food from scratch. This way they know exactly what goes into every bite they eat and are not at the mercy of deceptive advertisers.

One of the best things to do to drop the pounds and keep them off is to always pay attention to food labels. Only choose foods that are high in nutritional value. When you do, your hips will thank you for it!

Train Hard! You Can Achieve Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

P.S. Some women have just found out how to lose 2 pounds a week and still eat ice cream. To learn more,

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

C3G From Grapes and Berries Lower Cancer and Chronic Disease Risks

The reddish and purple pigments that give many fruits, vegetables and berries their appealing color continue to shine as super functional nutrients that help prevent disease. The journal Molecular Cancer found that a special anthocyanin found in the skins of deeply colored vegetables and berries known as Cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) is a powerful antioxidant that can sacrifice itself to blunt the effect of health-damaging free radicals. 

Grapes, blueberries and black currants provide a potent source of C3G anthocyanins. Extensive scientific research is uncovering the specific mechanism that this nutrient exerts on our genes as a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. C3G is shown to protect against many deadly age-related conditions including cancer, heart disease and metabolic syndrome.

C3G From Grapes Protects DNA Genetic Strands to Prevent Cancer
As improved techniques evolve that are capable of revealing the efficacy of specific compounds at the molecular and genetic level, C3G is beginning to shine as a potent influence on DNA strands that effect the production of free radicals. Researchers have found that this natural nutrient is able to prevent the formation of new free radicals and can neutralize the damaging effect of those already formed.

A high intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced incidence of cancer, largely due to polyphenols in the anthocyanin family including C3G. The result of a study published in Nutrition and Cancer provides insight into the powerful protective mechanism exhibited by anthocyanins toward developing cancer cells. C3G was shown to inhibit the action of special oncogenes (genes that lead to cancer formation), known to be the first stage in tumor genesis.

Further research identifies the link between C3G and suppression of the master inflammatory switch called NF-kB. Inflammation is a leading cause for cancer initiation and this functional compound has been shown to sacrifice itself as it inhibits the effect of NF-kB to prevent the formation of many tumor types.

C3G From Berries Fights Free Radicals to Avert Heart Disease
C3G is also an important player in preventing heart disease and the events that lead to a potentially fatal heart attack. Nitrogen-based free radicals are known to attack the inner endothelial lining of the coronary arteries, causing the surface to become resistant to the continual demands necessary to react quickly to changes in blood pressure. C3G neutralizes the effect of these damaging free radicals and helps to restore the normal elastic integrity of the delicate arteries that supply blood to the heart.

Results from the European EPIC study show that eating at least 8 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day can lower the risk of all-cause mortality by 22%. Anthocyanins such as C3G are one example of essential nutritional compounds found in natural foods that have been identified with a specific action shown to lower the risk of chronic disease. Health conscious individuals will want to ensure they eat at least 10 daily servings of vegetables and fruits (especially berries highly concentrated in C3G) to ward off many of the common diseases associated with aging.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

How to Lose Weight Plan - Three Latest Weight Loss News Briefs To Promote Weight Loss

Researchers have just uncovered a link between the hormone melatonin and a positive effect on weight loss and heart health. A natural human hormone that helps regulate sleep and acts as a powerful antioxidant, melatonin has recently been found in animal studies to help control weight gain. The hormone also has positive benefits for normalizing blood lipids and seems to have a protective effect on the heart. Researchers say that human studies are needed to see if melatonin may help control obesity and the heart health risks associated with it.

Melatonin is found naturally in some foods including almonds (well known for their heart healthy benefits) and some red wine grapes. Long thought to occur only in mammals, the hormone has only recently been found in plants.

Next, everyone has heard of internal training. Interval training, along with healthy eating, has recently been found to be more successful than other exercise programs combined with diet when it comes to losing weight. Characterized by bursts of intensive exercise, interval training is believed to boost the metabolism making weight loss quicker and easier. The trick with interval training is to intersperse high intensity exercise with more moderate periods of exercise that function as recovery time.

Some trainers believe that more calories are burned and more fat lost than with conventional exercise. Everyone is looking for the fastest, easiest way to accomplish weight loss and interval training seems to fill this niche. It is believed that by boosting the metabolism, fat burning continues even after the exercise is finished.

Interval training can be incorporated into many types of cardio-workouts like running or cycling. There is a lot of hype surrounding interval training, but studies are showing that it not only helps burn calories more effectively than traditional exercise, but may also have real benefits for athletes.

Last, hot spices are great for you! Spicy, hot red peppers have been touted as a diet aid for quite some time and now a study confirms that moderate use of hot pepper can actually curb the appetite, meaning you'll eat fewer calories and speed weight loss. Long thought to help boost the metabolism, giving you more energy and burning more calories, this study shows that this tasty spice can actually reduce hunger and increase calories burned.

Although, adding cayenne to your meals may not be the sole solution to the rising obesity epidemic, it is a simple addition to the diet. When combined with other techniques and healthy dieting, cayenne could play a role in promoting successful weight loss. As with most things, don't overdo it. Just use moderate amount of this powerful spice!

Train Hard! You Can Achieve Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

P.S. Some women have just found out how to lose 2 pounds a week and still eat ice cream. To learn more,

Eight Daily Servings of Fruits and Vegetables Slash Heart Disease Risk

Researchers publishing in the European Heart Journal have released the result of a study examining the diet of more than 300,000 men and women from eight European countries. They found that those individuals eating the most fruits and vegetable servings per day experienced the lowest level of ischemic heart disease (IHD), the most common form of the illness.

Ischemic heart disease is characterized by a reduced blood supply to the heart due to narrowed vessels from coronary plaque or chronic levels of inflammation that constrict blood flow. The end result is a greatly increased risk of heart attack as blood flow to the critical organ is shut off.

Eight Servings of Fruits and Vegetables Shown to Lower Chronic Disease Risks
Data from this research comes from the long-running European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study that began in 1992. An analysis shows that people eating at least eight servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day have a 22% lower risk of dying from IHD compared to those taking less than three daily servings. A serving is defined as approximately 80 grams or the equivalent of a small banana or medium apple.

Dietary analysis was determined by using a standard questionnaire, and factors including health, socio-economic status, and lifestyle, as well as smoking, drinking and exercise habits were taken into account. Dr. Francesca Crowe of the University of Oxford in England observed “This study involved over 300,000 people in eight different European countries, with 1,636 deaths from IHD. It shows a 4% reduced risk of dying from IHD for each additional portion of fruit and vegetables consumed.”

Natural Food Diet Lowers Heart Disease Risk by Nearly One-Quarter
In an effort to better understand the result of data collected over the eight and a half year course of this leg of the study, researchers made allowances for external factors such as differences in lifestyle and eating habits. The researchers did caution that people tend to report a higher intake of fruits and vegetables when completing questionnaires and that may skew the results slightly in either direction.

The final analysis of this leg of the EPIC study provides conclusive evidence that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables have a consistent and measurable impact on the risk of death from a heart attack. Professor Michael Marmot, director of the University College London in an accompanying editorial explains, “Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death. A reduction of 22% is huge. Reductions in cancers of several sites, in blood pressure and stroke, would add to this reduction in fatal CHD. Moving to a diet that emphasizes fruit and vegetables is of great importance to public health.”

The association between lowered heart attack risk and increased consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is well known among health-minded people. The ongoing results from the EPIC study continue to reinforce the importance of a diet high in natural foods to maintain health and lower the risk from ischemic heart disease.

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Light During Sleep Increases Cancer Risk

A wealth of research is pointing to an ever increasing problem that is shown to increase our risk of cancer, as well as a host of other genetically influenced illnesses. The problem is with light sources in the bedroom at night when most people are asleep.

Many of the critical biological functions carried out by our body during sleep are dependent on circadian rhythms and are disturbed by the smallest amount of light from devices such as iPods, laptops, electronic readers and television. Information provided by the journal Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics shines a light on the importance of sleeping in a totally dark room to lower cancer risk.

Small Amounts of Light During Sleep Alters Gene Expression and Cellular Repair Cycle
Researchers have been able to show that a single light emission during sleep is enough to disrupt the circadian rhythm of the sleep cycle and alter normal cellular division. The body requires 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep with no light distraction each night to complete the repair and regeneration functions essential to maintain optimal health.

The study author, Dr. Ben-Shlomo noted "damage to cell division is characteristic of cancer, and it is therefore important to understand the causes of this damage." Changes in gene expression were identified after exposure to artificial light for a period of one hour during normal sleep hours. The cellular ‘biological clock’ was altered and normal gene transcription and repair processes harmed.

This research clearly provides proof that minimal exposure to an artificial light source is sufficient to alter the expression of genes that are connected to the formation of cancer as well as genes that assist in the fight against cancer. Alteration of genetic expression is a precursor to cancer initiation, and disruption of nighttime circadian rhythm with a light source can be a trigger for carcinogenesis.

Natural Melatonin Levels Disturbed by Unnatural Light Sources
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reports that exposure to electrical light sources between dusk and bedtime disrupts the physiological processes that are regulated by the hormone melatonin. This affects sleepiness, thermoregulation, blood pressure and glucose homeostasis, all essential for healthy cellular repair and maintenance functions.

Melatonin secretion controls the normal sleep-wake cycle in the body and influences blood pressure, body temperature and insulin sensitivity. Levels of the hormone begin to increase 30 minutes before bedtime. Researchers found that exposing test participants to dim light for 8 hours before bedtime delayed the release of melatonin by 90 minutes. Exposure to room light during sleep cut production of the hormone by half.

When melatonin production is delayed or halted by artificial light sources, our nighttime rhythms are disturbed and normal metabolic activity required for cellular repair are disrupted. Lead study researcher, Dr. Joshua Gooley of Harvard Medical School commented, "Our study shows that this exposure to indoor light has a strong suppressive effect on the hormone melatonin. This could, in turn, have effects on sleep quality and the body`s ability to regulate body temperature, blood pressure and glucose levels."

The numbers of artificial light-producing electrical gadgets that are part of our daily life have exploded over the past decade. Many people keep these devices in close proximity during night hours and are continually exposed to light emissions that influence melatonin production. Melatonin dysfunction increases the health risks associated with high blood pressure, temperature regulation, and insulin resistance. Dim all artificial light sources in preparation for bed and sleep in a totally dark room to lower cancer risk and maximize the rejuvenating effect of a good night sleep.

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Resveratrol and Curcumin Promote Cell Regulation to Lower Cancer Risk

Every cell in our body generates waste that must be removed to preserve normal function. This process is called autophagy and is known to decline in efficiency as we age. When excess cellular debris is allowed to accumulate in our cells, normal function is altered and the cell begins to deteriorate.

This paves the way for accelerated aging and chronic illnesses including heart disease, many cancer lines and neurologic disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Cutting edge research underscores the importance of natural nutrients such as resveratrol, curcumin, berries and leafy greens to induce autophagy and lower the risks associated with premature aging.

Resveratrol Triggers Natural Cellular Housekeeping
Resveratrol is a powerful nutrient that has been shown to directly influence genes that regulate metabolic mechanisms and promote longevity. In addition to mimicking the effect of calorie restriction, resveratrol is emerging as a compound that can be used to assist the removal of cellular debris and improve efficiency.

The result of a study published in the Impact Journal on Aging demonstrates how resveratrol triggers autophagy in otherwise dormant cells. Resveratrol is shown to activate a series of proteins known as SIRT 1 that protect the delicate functional structures within the cell body and stimulate waste removal. This action effectively sets off a chain of events that leads to improved cellular efficiency and anti-aging characteristics.

Curcumin is a Powerful Anti-Cancer Agent
Curcumin has a long history as an effective weapon in the fight against cancer and as an anti-aging nutrient. Derived from curry powder, curcumin has been shown to initiate normal cell death in abnormal cancer cells in a process called apoptosis. The nutrient works on cellular DNA to stimulate the removal of waste debris and can target precancerous tumor cells to undergo programmed destruction.

Information published in the British Journal of Cancer explains that curcumin targets several death pathways in cancer cells that can become disabled, allowing uncontrolled growth and proliferation. Researchers found the curry extract to be particularly effective in cancers of the digestive tract and esophagus and concluded, “it is likely that curcumin and indeed some of its bioavailability-enhanced analogues are realistic options to be considered in the future for targeted molecular cancer prevention and treatment.”

Berries and Leafy Greens Found to be Neuroprotective
Blueberries, strawberries and spinach are natural foods that exhibit a strong protective shield to the aging brain. An analysis published in The Journal of Neuroscience demonstrates the capacity of these super foods to induce autophagy. Berries and leafy greens are packed with polyphenols and anthocyanins that convey powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to these foods.

The study authors found that compounds in berries and spinach were able to cross the blood-brain barrier and directly influence the functional capacity of neurons. The lead study author noted the findings from this research suggest that nutritional intervention with fruits and vegetables may play an important role in reversing the deleterious effects of aging on neuronal function and behavior.” 
Cellular housekeeping is an essential task that determines our rate of aging and risk of developing chronic disease. In addition to proper diet and regular exercise, health-minded individuals can take advantage of natural nutrients such as resveratrol and curcumin and foods like berries and spinach to maximize cellular autophagy and extend our natural lifespan.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

How to Lose Weight in 30 Days - Why Weight Loss Diet Hype Should Be Avoided

Looking for quick and easy ways about how to lose weight in 30 days? Considering trying that latest fad diet out there? Once you review it, does it sound too good to be true? Are you seeing a lot of marketing hype promising the fastest or easiest method of weight loss? These are two of the obvious warning signs that whatever dieting plan is being sold might not be the most effective one for you. Sure, we'd all like to lose weight without putting in any effort, but that's virtually impossible. There is no magic pill or drink that burns calories while you sit and watch television!

Dieting is an emotional issue and advertisers know it. They know just how to play to the desires of those who need to lose that belly fat, especially this time of year. Keep your head clear, and be ready to thoroughly analyze the latest product or expensive book. Successful weight loss can be accomplished without spending much money and without trying all the latest dieting fads.

Educating yourself about effective, proven methods for losing weight assists you in choosing the right plan to achieve your goals. The posts on this blog are meant to help you do just that. Recognizing early on that it will take some effort on your part is another important step in starting a dieting routine that will take off the weight and keep it off.

Yes, many of the fad diets will accomplish quick, short-term weight loss. But if you follow up with people using those methods a few months to a year later, the majority of them will have regained the weight.

Why does this happen over and over? There are two primary reasons why people give up on a diet and regain weight. The most obvious one is that the diet was an overwhelmingly burdensome change that couldn't be sustained. Deeply restrictive diets rarely work, as it is hard to maintain a life of denial and the resulting cravings. Although weight loss may be slower, a moderate change in the types of foods eaten and a gradual change in portion sizes can help you accomplish lasting weight loss. The goal is to create behavioral and dietary changes that you can maintain happily for years to come!

The other reason that crash diets don't lead to lasting weight loss is physical. Starving the body sets up metabolic changes that actually encourage the retention of weight. The body thinks it is going to starve and it hangs on to every calorie. It gets harder and harder to lose weight even though you are consuming fewer calories. You are tired and cranky and have no energy for healthful, calorie burning exercise. As soon as you give up on this kind of diet, the pounds fly back on.

So, what's the best way to start a successful weight loss diet? Number one is thinking healthy. What does an optimally functioning body need? A diet loaded with nutritious food, plenty of regular exercise, and a good frame of mind. These are your goals and you'll find that you become slimmer, healthier and happier than you would while riding the fad diet rollercoaster.

Train Hard!You Can Achieve Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Essential Omega-6 Fat Protects the Heart and Lowers Inflammation

Health-conscious individuals understand the importance of Omega-3 fats for cardiovascular and brain health. Conversely, Omega-6 fatty acids from corn, safflower and soybean oil sources are known to lead to systemic inflammation and free radical proliferation when consumed in an unbalanced ratio with Omega-3 fats.

Many people avoid Omega-6 food sources in an effort to preserve their health and may be missing out on gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an Omega-6 fat that possesses an impressive set of disease fighting powers. Fortunately you can make the necessary dietary modifications or take an inexpensive supplement to further lower your risk of many inflammatory-mediated diseases.

GLA is Critical to Health as it Neutralizes Damaging Inflammatory Messengers
GLA is a unique type of Omega-6 fatty acid and has been shown to exert a powerful influence on chemical messengers that provoke immune response to stressors in the body. This fat works alone and in concert with the Omega-3 fats, EPA and DHA to combat a wide range of age-related disorders that are promoted by inflammation.

The results of a study published in the journal Inflammation shows that GLA becomes incorporated into immune cell membranes and prevents the genetic regulation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kB). This action suppresses the release of messenger cytokines that initiate the damaging inflammatory cycle in cell nuclei. Further research demonstrated that GLA was able to counteract a critical enzymatic process that deteriorates with age and is responsible for producing an anti-inflammatory biochemical action in the cells.

GLA is shown to be Cardio-Protective
Atherosclerosis is largely the result of chronic, low-grade inflammation that causes degradation of the inner endothelial lining of the coronary arteries. GLA triggers an enzymatic process that reverses the damaging effects of inflammation and reduces the age-related risk of coronary artery disease.

Information published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides evidence that GLA reduces the tendency of platelets to form clots within small blood vessels. This effect can dramatically lower the risk of heart attack and stroke by preventing platelet aggregation. The study also showed that GLA when supplemented as evening primrose oil helps lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing healthy HDL cholesterol levels.

GLA Lowers Diabetic Risks
GLA is produced in the body from dietary fats through an enzymatic process. Loss of this function through aging has been shown to lead to insulin resistance and prediabetes. The results of research published in the journal Nutrition shows that supplemented GLA can prevent the tendency toward diabetes that is seen during normal aging. GLA provides powerful antioxidant support that is necessary to combat high blood glucose levels and prevent insulin resistance and diabetic neuropathy.

GLA is frequently overlooked as an essential fat because it is a member of the Omega-6 fat family. Although the fat can be produced in the body from dietary sources (vegetable oils, eggs and poultry), many health minded individuals avoid these foods and supplementation may be necessary. Evening primrose oil, borage oil and black currant oil are inexpensive sources of GLA. Reduce your risk from developing one of the major inflammatory killer diseases with gamma linolenic acid.

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Low Fat Diet Promotes Cognitive Decline, Brain Nutrients Provide Protection

It's estimated that between 10 and 20% of people over the age of 65 suffer from mild cognitive impairment or have been diagnosed with Alzheimer`s disease. By the age of 80 more than half have some loss of memory or functional decline and the trend continues to escalate as the number of baby boomers turned senior citizens explodes.

Forward thinking nutritional researchers believe that some of the blame for this trend can be placed firmly on the fat-phobic diet pushed by many physicians and dieticians for the past half century that deprives delicate brain cells of essential nutrients. It`s important to include a healthy source of serine and choline to nourish the brain and improve memory and mental cognition to prevent brain aging.

Low Fat Diet Linked With Cognitive Decline
Many people have been led to believe that a diet void of fat is ideal for heart health. Essential sources of cholesterol and saturated fats are eliminated and health begins to slowly decline as critical nutrients necessary for cellular repair and regeneration are deprived. Nutritional research clearly demonstrates that a low fat diet is dangerously high in carbohydrates and sugar leading to metabolic dysfunction, diabetes, heart disease and brain aging.

The exclusion of dietary fat typically causes a shortage of the nutrients choline and serine that are used by the brain to manufacture memory-related neurotransmitters and lipids used in cell membranes. Over the course of decades, consuming a processed diet with limited healthy fats can lead to cognitive decline and may be a causative factor in the dramatic rise in Alzheimer`s disease cases. Including choline and serine from diet or supplemental sources can improve memory and help to prevent age-related dementia.

Choline is Necessary to Form New Memories
Choline is naturally found in foods including beef and chicken liver, eggs, milk, soybeans and peanuts. Many health conscious individuals and those on a low fat diet try to avoid these food sources and may be at risk for choline deficiency.

The results of a study published in the journal Clinical Therapeutics shows that participants with mild to moderate cognitive impairment experienced significant improvement to memory and learning capabilities when provided with choline supplementation over a 6 month period. The study authors remarked that the improvements seen with choline supplementation were superior to pharmacological interventions.

Serine Fights Brain Aging, Maintain Plasticity
Serine (phosphatidylserine) is a naturally occurring orthomolecular compound found naturally in the brain to help maintain memory function and to assist the replacement of damaged neurons (neuroplasticity). The critical communication between neurons in the brain is dependent on a steady supply of nutrients such as serine to enhance learning skills and the formation of new memories.

The results of a study published in the journal Neurology showed that serine supplementation could “provide significant benefits for cognitive functions that typically decline with age, including concentration, learning, memory and vocabulary skills.”

The loss of cognition as we age is not normal. A wealth of research explains that loss of memory and cognitive resources is the result of decades of nutrient depletion that take an ultimate toll on the brain. Choline and serine are brain-specific nutrients that may be depleted due to poor diet. Improved diet and supplementation if necessary are shown to prevent the typical symptoms of brain aging and prevent dementia.

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Gamma E Tocopherols Protect Against Heart Disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease

Health conscious individuals would cite vitamin E as an essential antioxidant necessary for cardiovascular health and protection from cancer. There are a number of different tocopherol forms of vitamin E known as isomers and it’s important to understand that both the alpha and gamma types must be available in the body to lower risk from disease.

The alpha form has been shown to inhibit the production of new free radicals and gamma tocopherol is required to trap and neutralize existing free radicals. Optimal health is dependent on receiving both forms from proper diet or supplementing as necessary.

Most Vitamin Formulations Only Contain Alpha Tocopherol
Alpha and gamma tocopherol forms work in synergy to provide antioxidant support and reduce levels of damaging systemic inflammation. The alpha form is the most abundant and best known form and is used exclusively in many multi vitamin formulations. This means that the gamma type must be provided through diet to provide proper balance of the two isomers. The gamma variety is the most common form of the vitamin found in food sources including many nuts, seeds and natural oils.

Most vitamin formulations contain 400 mg of alpha tocopherol. Nutrition experts advise that a minimum of 100 to as much as 400 mg of the gamma form be taken to offset and balance the alpha version. Food sources typically provide 5 to 25 mg of gamma tocopherol per serving and can only supply a small part of the daily requirement. Supplementation may be necessary to reach optimal saturation of this fat soluble super nutrient.

Gamma Tocopherol Protects Against Atherosclerosis
Gamma tocopherols provide specific protection against the inflammatory induced damage that leads to the development and proliferation of atherosclerosis. The results of a study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology show how the gamma isomer has the unique ability to block stress induced inflammatory chemical messengers and favorably induce changes to the inner endothelial lining of the coronary arteries. Gamma tocopherols also increase the production of nitric oxide that helps to relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Gamma Tocopherol is a Powerful Anti-Cancer Agent
The gamma form of vitamin E helps to fight cancer through a variety of critical protective mechanisms. Information published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides insight to how gamma tocopherol traps free radicals known as reactive nitrogen species that cause DNA strand mutations and can lead to cancerous mutations. Another property of gamma tocopherol is the ability to regulate molecules known as cyclins that trap cancer cells and prevent them from reproducing and spreading.

Vitamin E Shown to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk by Half
The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease has published the results of a study indicating that those individuals with the highest blood levels of all forms of vitamin E were 55% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease over a six year period. The study found the antioxidant free radical neutralizing potency of vitamin E was responsible for reduced risk from dementia.
Vitamin E is well known as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient that is critical to human health. It`s important to know that there are alpha and gamma tocopherol forms of the vitamin that work together to protect against cancer, dementia and cardiovascular disease. In addition to a diet rich in nuts and seeds many people will need to supplement with full spectrum vitamin E to achieve optimal disease protection.

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Diet and Lifestyle Changes Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes and Alzheimer’s

Lifestyle therapies that include proper nutrition, stress management, regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy body weight are key elements in the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke and dementia are all strongly influenced by fine tuning diet with plenty of raw organic foods and taking advantage of regular moderate physical activity.

Once referred to as alternative medicine, health conscious individuals now embrace a natural lifestyle approach to health maintenance. Important research confirms that following four simple behavior patterns can help prevent chronic disease development and progression by more than 90%.

Lifestyle Therapy Proven Effective in Chronic Disease Prevention
Health minded individuals are opting for lifestyle interventions to control chronic disease. Big Pharma alternatives promote existing disease and all have side effects that can be more severe than the symptoms they are supposed to mask. The results of the EPIC study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine show that adherence to four simple lifestyle pillars can dramatically lower the risk from virtually every major chronic illness.

This significant study followed 23,000 people for nearly 8 years and examined smoking behavior, food consumption, exercise and maintaining a health weight. The researchers found that those participants who didn`t smoke, consumed a diet high in fresh vegetables and low in meat, exercised at least 3.5 hours per week and maintained a normal weight (BMI less than 30) reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 93%. Heart attack risk was reduced by 81%, stroke risk was cut in half and 36% of all cancers were prevented. Allopathic interventions only perpetuate chronic disease and are ineffective at reducing disease risk.

Traditional Allopathic Statin Therapy Increases Diabetes Risk
Many traditional physicians hand out statins as if they were candy and some even joke that this Big Pharma sanctioned form of poisoning should be added to our public water supply. Statins are known to cause a wide variety of side effects. Muscle deterioration and cognitive decline are two of the most commonly reported detrimental effects of those on long term statin therapy that result from an unnatural suppression of cholesterol.

The results of research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association show how using a dietary approach including fiber, almonds and natural plant sterols can lower cholesterol as much as dangerous statins. Another side effect of statin therapy is increased levels of insulin. Following a natural diet protocol does not raise insulin and has been shown to lower blood pressure, increase HDL cholesterol, lower triglycerides and alter the ratio of atherogenic dense LDL particles toward the harmless large buoyant variety.

American Life Expectancy Drops, Lifestyle Therapies Needed
Americans have enjoyed a steady increase in life expectancy over the past century. A report from the CDC now indicates that this trend may have finally come to an end as more people suffer the effects of poor diet, decreased physical fitness and obesity. Despite a never ending supply of pharmaceuticals prescribed by medical professionals, lifestyle disease such as Alzheimer`s, kidney disease and hypertension experienced a marked increase. Following a natural lifestyle approach as detailed in the EPIC study would dramatically increase life expectancy.

The importance of following a natural lifestyle cannot be underestimated and is a powerful tool to prevent chronic disease. Pharmaceuticals such as statins are ineffective and are known to affect insulin levels that can lead to the development of diabetes. Lifestyle therapies have been repeatedly shown to cut disease risk and extend healthy lifespan.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Weight Lose Plan for Women Over 40-The Top 7 Weight Relapse Mistakes To Avoid

For many women over 40 and even those who are younger, including men, once they find a good weight loss plan that works for them, many times they are able to drop the pounds.

The problem for many then becomes, how can the weight loss be maintained? What will keep the motivation going? What will prevent you from falling back into bad eating habits?

In a recent blogpost from Tom Venuto's blog,"Burn the Fat Blog" at, he stated that:

"Mainintaing a stable bodyweight is a very important health goal. It's dangerous to repeatedly gain and lose weight. Research in animals and humans has revealed that weight cycyling can make your metabolism less efficient. After each bout of weight loss and regain, it becomes more difficult to burn the fat the next time."

Tom also had more to say about the detrimental effects of weight cycling on your health. The question then becomes, how can weight cycling be avoided? Here are the top 7 weight loss relapse mistakes that some make and how to avoid them according to Tom Venuto:

Mistake #1: Choosing a Bad Diet for Weight Loss

To maintain fat loss, choosing a right nutrition program to follow is crucial. Falling to fad diets or any other kind of diet that is so extreme it causes one to binge eat or is way to hard to keep up will result in one falling off the diet.

Mistake #2: Creating Unrealistic Deadlines

When looking to maintain weight loss, its important to set high standards and have big goals that are realistic. If one has a big goal, it is very important to then set a realistic deadline.

For example, losing 30 pounds is a big goal; having a deadline to do it in 30 days is unrealistic.

Mistake #3: Quickly Stopping a Nutrition or Exercise Program

For most people who achieve their fat and weight loss goals, it took a lot of time, energy, effort, exercise, and good eating habits. When one achieves their goals, all of these things must continue. Fail to do so and the pounds will come back on.

Mistake #4: Decreasing Physical Activity While Maintaining Previous Calorie Maintenenace

Once a woman over is 40 or anyone else, no matter their age or sex, has reached success with their weight loss efforts, the caloric balance the body needs has changed; it actually is lower than when a person first started.

Tom says that: "You have two choices. One, you can get used to eating less than you did before your weight loss. Two, you can get used to exercising more. Ideally, you'll do a little bit of both and that will make life easiest."

Mistake #5: Thinking in Black and White

Some people are very rigid in what they want their weight and body fat level to be. There is no room for a grey area. These dieters fail to realize that becoming and staying fit is a learning process and a journey of self improvement. Thinking in black and white creates stress and prevents one from congratulating themself on what they did right or learning from what they did wrong. Learn to relax and realize that permanent weight loss takes committment, persistance, and is a daily decison.

Mistake #6: On-Going Gripes with Body Weight and Shape

Many who have achieved their weight loss goals still have gripes about their weight and shape even after they have had much success. They compare themselves to others and are never satisfied.

While it is important to desire to improve, it's ok to seek this along with liking yourself as you go.

Mistake #7: Minimal Ways to Cope With and Manage Stres

Those pounds you dropped can easily creep back on during high levels of life stressors and experiencing negative emotions. Therefore, it's important to not to fall into eating as a way to manage stress. Learn to develop coping strategies that help alleviate stress which do not involve eating. This is especailly important not only for women over 40 looking for a good weight loss plan, but for everyone, whether they are looking to lose weight or not.

If you are someone who has dropped the pounds but see the weight creeping back on, then it is important to carefully review these mistakes that people make. Make sure you are not falling into any of the above trap. If you are, then it is not to late to change. If you do, you can watch those pounds drop back off again and keep them off for good!

Train Hard!You Can Achieve Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

Dramatically Lower Stroke Risk with Diet and Lifestyle Modifications

Stroke is a debilitating and often deadly condition that strikes more than 800,000 people each year and ranks as the third leading cause of death. A stroke is caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain from either a clot or blood vessel constriction.

The condition is largely the result of poor lifestyle choices that cause arterial stiffening, alter metabolism and blood lipids and raise blood pressure. Fortunately you can dramatically lower your risk of stroke by making lifestyle changes and include targeted nutritional supplements shown to insulate against this devastating condition.

Study Shows First Stroke Risk can be Slashed by 80%
Along with heart disease and cancer, stroke can be categorized as another preventable lifestyle disease. Information published in the Journal of the American Heart Association publication Stroke explains that first time stroke incidence can be lowered by 80% by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Modifiable lifestyle changes include not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, regular physical activity and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

The study finds that the two most important factors for lowering stroke risk include reducing blood pressure and improving blood lipid and cholesterol ratios. Increased blood pressure is known to lead to arterial stiffening or hardening of the arteries that is a significant risk factor for a first stroke.

Elevated levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol and low protective HDL cholesterol add fuel to the inflammatory fires that cause damage to the inner lining of blood vessel walls. The report concluded that the rise in stroke incidence was mainly due to population aging and increases in obesity.

Folic Acid and Green Tea Independently Lower Stroke Risk
Health conscious individuals already follow a healthy protocol that significantly lowers risk of stroke and many lifestyle mediated diseases. Eliminating processed foods and ensuring moderate daily exercise are known to lower blood pressure and affect blood metabolites that set the stage for an ischemic attack. You can further reduce your risk by adding folic acid (vitamin B9) and green tea catechins to your supplemental arsenal.

The results of a study published in the journal Hemodialysis showed that supplementation with folic acid dramatically reduced the thickening of the carotid artery wall, a standard marker for stroke risk analysis. Individuals taking 10 mg of folic acid three times a week for a period of two years were shown to have a 25% lower risk of a first stroke. Folic acid reduces blood levels of homocysteine that are associated with arterial wall hardening.

Research published in the journal Stroke concludes that drinking the equivalent of three cups of green tea each day could prevent the onset of ischemic stroke. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechins (ECGC) that help lower blood pressure by naturally increasing levels of nitric oxide in the blood.

Stroke rates increase dramatically in the aging population as blood pressure tends to slowly elevate into the danger zone. This silent killer can be prevented through a series of lifestyle changes that have been shown to lower stroke risk by 80%. Include folic acid and green tea catechins as part of your daily supplement routine and live a life free of risk from this devastating condition.