Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

How to Lose Weight Plan-How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Everyone knows someone who has lost significant weight only to regain it, causing not only the emotional stress of an unsuccessful weight management plan but also the return of the health problems that unfortunately accompany excess weight. Dedicated to finding the secret to successful long-term weight loss, the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) is currently tracking the accomplishments of over 5,000 people who have lost weight and kept it off.

Founded 15 years ago, research into successful weight loss is the primary function of NWCR. Along with their research, participants share their inspiring success stories. NWCR does not offer any specific weight loss plans, advice or products. They simply study those who have been successful, and share their secrets and the research they’ve done analyzing the data. NWCR’s extensive research has been published in a wide variety of medical journals and the popular media.

Using long-term studies of participants, NWCR provides annual surveys that look at eating and exercise habits, detailed behavioral and psychological aspects of successful weight management, and the techniques and strategies people use to keep the weight off. General data on participants shows some logical trends. Of the people involved, 98 percent have modified their food intake while 94 percent have increased physical activity. This is the core of successful weight loss, as it is well known that the only way to lose weight and keep it off is to continually ensure that calories burned are greater than calories consumed.

NWCR has uncovered so much more than just that. Participants have lost anywhere from 30 and 300 pounds, keeping it off from one to 66 years. Imagine a lifetime of successful weight control! It is certainly possible but takes a complete change in lifestyle, supporting weight maintenance goals. Research reveals everything from specific eating habits, holiday strategies, psychological aspects of success, and the behavioral aspects that spur success.

The team of researchers has looked at predictors of success and failure, comparing individuals who regained weight with those who didn’t. They found that the longer weight has been kept off, the easier it is to maintain the lifestyle necessary for continued success. They also found that those who had struggled with binge eating and other eating problems before their weight loss were more likely to regain weight later.

Another study analyzes the effects of eating breakfast on long-term weight management. This has become a controversial area of research with several studies contradicting the findings of others. NWCR found that 78 percent of the successful weight maintenance group regularly eats breakfast. Although calorie intake between the two groups is similar, the ones who eat breakfast report a small increase in physical activity when compared to the non-breakfast eaters.

A particularly interesting study analyzed the television viewing habits of those who successfully lost weight and kept it off. The national average is 28 hours of television viewing per week. Over 60 percent of the NWCR success stories watch 10 or fewer hours per week, a significant difference from the national average! Only 12 percent watch 21 or more hours a week. This study found that the hours spent in front of the television acts as a predictor of success or failure at maintaining optimal weight levels. So get off the couch and get active!

One of the most enlightening aspects of NWCR is the sharing of individual success stories. Check out their website and get inspired!

Train Hard! Drop the Pounds!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

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