What is NEWSTART? Here is a brief description of it:
N-Nutrition: The diet is plant based and free of all animal products and endorsees whole, natural foods. The diet is naturally high in fiber, low in fat, and cholesterol free.
E-Exercise: Our bodies are made to be physically active. Regular exercise not only will help you to lose weight, have increased energy, but also combats many health problems both physical and mental. Plus, daily exercise strengthens the immune system, improves circulation and reduces stress.
W-Water: Our bodies are made up of mostly water and almost every body function is dependent on it. Adequate water intake will also increase energy and promote fat loss. 6 to 8 glasses per day are recommended.
S-Sunshine: Sunlight is one of nature’s natural healers and it is crucial for strong bones. Just 15 minutes a day of sunlight can provide the daily body requirements for Vitamin D.
T-Temperance: Temperance is simply maintaining a healthy balance in all areas of your life. It also means avoiding anything which is harmful to your body and mind and moderation in that which is good. Focus on including in your life all good things which will promote weight loss, increase your energy levels, keep your heart healthy, etc.
A-Air: Air is the body’s most frequently needed resource. Living in an environment where air quality is good increases your ability to fight disease. Deep breathing of fresh, outdoor air promotes a good oxygen supply for your body.
R-Rest: Adequate and proper rest promotes productivity and your disease resistance is increased. Everybody needs quiet physical relaxation after active work, vigorous exercise after mental work, and deep restorative sleep.
T-Trust in Divine Power: Learning to trust in God is the most important aspect of the NEWSTART Lifestyle. Many people today struggle with stress, fear, and anxiety which negatively impact the chemistry of all body systems. Becoming acquainted with the Creator of the universe and trusting in Him ehanhances physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
The NEWSTART Lifestyle Program is a powerful healer and taught by Weimar Institute, a non-profit Christian Wellness Center in the Sierra foothills between Lake Tahoe and Sacramento, CA. People come from all over the world seeking to regain their health. You do not have to go to Weimar to begin to incorporate these wonderful strategies into your life!
Why not begin so today?
Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Weight Loss Secrets for Life
Skype: Monique371
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