Senin, 30 November 2009

How to Get Thin-Simple Weight Loss Tips

Being overweight can become a terrible burden on your body. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, this is their reality. Obesity has become somewhat of an epidemic in the United States today. Sedentary lifestyles and the ease of obtaining high fat foods make it easy for Americans to gain weight. But the weight goes on a lot easier than it comes off. That is why many so people are looking for a weight loss diet that they can stick to. Many desire to know how to get thin quickly. But is there really any diet that will make you lose weight and keep it off? Read on to discover the answer to this question and more.

So how many times have you tried to diet? How many times has that diet been successful? This is a major problem with diets. You can stick to it for a little while, lose some weight and then once you go off of your diet, you will gain the weight right back.
So what is the solution to losing weight and keeping it off?

The solution to weight loss is very simple. You need to take in fewer calories than you burn up. Yes, I know counting calories and portions is very difficult and time consuming. You are right, calories can be confusing and very hard to keep track of. So is there a simple solution to the problem?

First of all, take an honest look at what you eat each day. Do you eat fast food for one or more meals a day or how about in a week? Do you snack on candy bars and other sugary foods in between meals? Are you drinking several sugary sodas a week? If you are able to answer yes to any of these questions, then you have a great starting point.

Simply changing the way you eat can help you to lose weight. Cut out the fast foods and take healthy snacks, such as fresh fruits or vegetables, to work. Try your best to eat five to six small meals per day instead of three large meals. Eating small meals has been proven to increase your metabolism which will help you burn more calories during the day.

If you must drink any soda, drink low calorie or no calorie soda. If possible, replace at least one soda with a bottle of water each day - better yet, try to replace all your soda with water.
To help save the environment try to drink your water out of a reusable bottle when ever possible. If your tap water isn't the best, purchase a water filter and drink filtered water. Water will help your body function properly and help you to burn more calories.

A dehydrated body can slow down your metabolism by 6%. Water also helps to flush dangerous toxins from your body and help you to feel better.

Just making these few, simple changes can help you to lose weight. Sure it's a small amount of weight but then once you add in about 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week, you'll have a fat burning machine. This is how to get thin fast!

When you make small changes your more likely to stick with them long term.
The longer you can stick with a simple diet plan the more weight you will lose and your less apt to regain any of your lost weight.

Good luck!

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

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